PAX Missed the Memo on Tank-top Thursday at Dragon Slayer

Cheerleader was also there today.  C-Pap too.  He'd been gone from the gloom for a hot minute.  Welcome back, Kotter. 

0531 Zamperini to the back of the GCC campus so the one PAX without a bell could pick one up. 

Circle up for SSHs.  Ok, thats enough warmup. Moving on to the thang…

40, 30, 20, & 10 reps of each exercise, each round, alternating exercises

Round 1: Hand Release Merkins & Kettlebell Swings

500 meter run around GCC

Lego won the sprint, so he got to pick the Round 2 Mary exercise. He picked WWII's.

Round 2: ¼ Turn Jump Squats & KB Mason Twists WWII situps.

500 meter run around GCC.  No winners here, so no adjustments to round 3.

Round 3: KB Air Squats & KB Press Flutter Kicks

Zamperini back to the front for Mary (Mericans, Squats, Ws, and TouchDemHeels)



Great to see Lego posting with his EH'er, Springfield, this AM.  It was an emotional morning for those two. 

Hope OB made it to work on time. He has a day job you know. 

Didn't notice any break period Burpees from Uncle Rico today.  Thats usually how he tells me the workout is too easy for him.  Glad this one delivered.

Great to be back at GCC for a change and post with Zuul and Perrier again.  These two respects have been GCC regulars since long before I was ever an FNG.  

Thanks for crossing the street and swinging some metal today The Geek.  It can be our little secret how you learned of today's Dragon Slayer plans.  #FeelTheBurn

TClaps to those (maybe 4) who ran the early Standard.  Hope it was the warmup you had all thought it would be.

Two more days for #OperationHeadlock.  Keep EHing, and keep doing what you all do so well.  Remember most Saturday workouts are at 7, so for the guy who didn't want to wake up at 5 this week, Saturday is his time to shine.