Pax says “No Mas” at Mad Scientist

**Absent from Pax list due to not being registered on Isotope site:  Loco (MECA pax)

The gloom was represented by a crisp 39 degrees, slightly damp but sans ice.

Pax anxiety level: amped up and ready to get after it.

Morning started at 0500 with 5 meeting #TheStandard for 2.3 fellowship paced miles.

0530 cometh and the Thang commenceth



  • Run up stairs to top.  Mosey down parking deck with dynamic high knees, butt kickers, carioca left and right.
  • SSH x 15 ic
  • IST x 15 ic
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 ic
  • Windmill x 15 ic


The Thang:  No Mas

All exercises from middle of deck to the side and back to the middle.

Do first 3 sets then partner wheelbarrow up to next level and begin the next three sets, etc

Level 1:     1     2,1     3,2,1

Level 2:     4,3,2,1     5,4,3,2,1     6,5,4,3,2,1

Level 3:     7,6,5,4,3,2,1     8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1     9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

When finished start coming back down the ladder.

  1. Run

  2. Side Step (stay low)

  3. Quadrafeelia

  4. Carioca

  5. Frog Jump

  6. Bear Crawl

  7. Burpee Broad Jump

  8. Lung Walk

  9. Slalom

Mas Mary:

  • Mason Twist x 20 ic
  • LBC x 20 ic
  • Homer to Marge to Homer to Low Dolly x 10 ic to Marge to Rosalita x 10 ic to Homer
  • Merkin x 15 ic

Mas Moleskin:

  • I went to Rolling Stone for Loco's VQ and he broke out "No Mas".  Later that day Tweetsie gave me the opportunity to Q at Mad Scientist.  I knew I had to bring No Mas to the Parking Deck.
  • #Cobains for confusion on the set sequence.
  • T-claps to El Chapo and Loco who nearly finished.  A few other partners were on the last set as well.
  • YHC explained the WIB and the Pax immediately asked what to do when their partner was exercising.  It took about 2 minutes for the Pax to realize they needed the respite in between sets while the partner pained on.
  • Good #mumblechatter out there.  I heard a few things I even commented to put in the moleskin, but alas the endorphins zapped my memory.
  • During #TheStandard, Tweetsie peeled off citing a need for a restroom (runners runs).  Etch followed him.  Never leave your battle buddy I suppose???
  • Nice to hear a praise report from Carpetbagger regarding his father who put on the big stomping boots and is kicking cancer in the teeth!!!
  • Men's breakfast at Radiant Life @ Blythe Elementary.  See Tweetsie, Etch-a-Sketh, or Jimmy Olsen for details.