Pax vs. Flying Skunk

FNG-1 = Fire Scout


6 men took on the standard this morning but 3 took a different path and ran into 3 pre-run stretchers. Then the Q returned to the AO to find Auto attempting to steal the Q. Didn’t he know that the Q was there just a couple minutes late right on time. We ran to the back parking lot and circled up for warm-up.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot puller x 10 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 25 IC (led by Turncoat)

The Thang

YHC asked if the pax were warmed up and got a lukewarm response (see what I did there). So the Q warmed the pax up with a personal favorite.

The Hightower

  • 9 Burpees
  • 9 Plank Jack Burpees
  • 9 Triple Merkin Burpees 
  • 9 Triple Squat Jump Burpees
  • 9 Triple Merkin Triple Squat Jump Plank Jack Burpees


Now everyone was warmed up…maybe too warmed up. Let’s get on our six for a moment

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC

Mosey to Copperhead Hill. Avoid the flying skunk. Let’s do some 11s up and down the hill. 1 squat on the bottom. 10 HR merkins at the top. Continue until 10 squats and 1 HR merkin. Mosey back to launch.


  • Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
  • WWII Sit Ups x 15 SC
  • Dead Bugs x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank to finish

Recover. Recover.

The Moleskine

  • Auto is back…for today. He even tried to Q the workout but was quickly shutdown.
  • Turncoat is back! Rumor has it he’s going to sign up to Q once a week in March.
  • YHC met Fire Scout today who has been coming out for about a month. He’s trying to get back into working out and is training for a 10 mile run to promote awareness and combat suicide in military veterans and servicemembers. Looking forward to seeing him out at more posts!
  • We got about 5 feet within a large black object hanging out on the sidewalk that had no fear of the pax. YHC first thought maybe it was a cat. Then the thought turned to “oh snap, maybe that’s a skunk” and the brakes were pumped hard. Mulligan attempted to plow through but this Q cares about the pax and put his arm out to stop him in his tracks. Suddenly, the animal spread its wings and took flight. Was it a bird? Or some sort of skunk-bird mutant? We’ll never know.


Thanks to those who chose to post at The Mighty Oak today. It wasn’t easy, but you’re all better for it (and especially better than those Ludicrous Speed guys). Thanks to Estwing for the opportunity to Q. Until next time – CB