Paxilla’s in the Mist

Event Date

May 24, 2022


30 5 men drove through pounding a light rain to the launch site worried we'd melt if we stepped out for a run. Upon arrival, the rain stopped as we waited for all of our other brethren to arrive. I guess some others aren't as melt-proof as we…. No Mater today, which felt odd. We were guessing either he flew in late last night or ran through the wrong Chicago neighborhood on his trip.

 We set out on our stroll through Trilogy and found an alternate 5-ish mile route that doesn't involve the dreaded Exploration hill.

Now that we have all of that out of the way, now for the important info. Einhorn is almost back to 100%. Ankle is a little sore, but not doing much to hold him back. Can't wait to see you out there on Friday!!!

-Shake Weight