Paying Respect to Fallen and Active Heroes

September is a month that is near and dear to my heart. I constantly remember the sacrifices that soldiers and first responders make on a daily basis but this month brings up sadness of losing my grandfather years ago in September, the horrific events on 9/11/01, and just the rest of the foolishness that leads to loss of great servicemen, servicewomen, and first responders near and abroad. So I vow to work this month to pay respect to their sacrifices and demonstrate my appreciation.


Today we performed the workout that honored Marine veteran and Patrolman Christopher Mark Goodell. Modifications to repetitions and exercises performed to only intensify the beatdown.


Mosey up the street toward Dick’s then right turn toward Chipotle with some butt kickers, high knees, R Carioca, L Carioca, back pedaling, grab a block and then circle up for Warm-o-rama.



SSH 25x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy soldier 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC



  •         Lap around parking lot
  •  12x IC curls
  •  12x IC overhead press
  •  12x IC bent over rows
  •  12x IC skull crushers 
  •  12x IC chest press
  • 50 reps of "X"    with block



Round 1: Incline Merkins 

Round 2: Squats 

Round 3: The W 

Round 4: Calf raises 

Round 5: Plank Jacks


For each of the 5 rounds, perform 50 repetitions of the corresponding movement. For example, in round one, after completing the chest press, complete 50 incline merkins. The following round start again at the lap around parking lot, complete block exercises, and 50 squats. Continue in this way for all 5 rounds.


We reduced the repetitions performed for rounds 3, 4, and 5 to 10x IC, 6x IC, and 6x IC.


Put blocks up and mosey to launching point for Mary


Circle up for Mary

Jane Fonda 15x IC

Low Dolly 15x IC


Recover Recover 







FNG is Talladega 


Hard work put in by all this morning. Nice to work out with some new gents as well as the regulars.


Remember to get yourself checked out regularly. Abnormal signs, symptoms, and just plan irregularities can be nothing or something very detrimental.


Pax I encourage everyone that Q’s or at least one Pax member carry a phone because we never know when we will need one. Every second counts.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie 





