PC Load Letter!?!?

YHC pulled up to The Estate just in time, but without workout in hand.  Like an idiot, I waited until the last minute to print the workout (ladder) and, of course, the printer didn’t work.  The ol restart didn’t fix it so we were winging it.  After I gave the pax my 2 cents on how hard it is to print / install a printer in 2021, we were off.  

Mosey to pull up bars for classic warmarama.  SSH, slow windmill, IST and Dwight Schrutes.  

The Thang:

3 sets of:
10 pull ups
20 WW2s

Grab a block and partner up.  One partner runs 100 yard while other partner:
2 set of 8 count burners
2 sets of overhead press
2 sets of curls
2 sets of lawn mowers

One lap around track doing walking lunges, running backwards, karaoke, and sprinting.

One Samson suicide with merkins.  CREDIT:  The Hoff!!!

Block Mary:
Low flutter with chess press 
Block merkin
V Up with block
WW2 w feet in block
5 burpees OYO
Plank for one minute
Im forgetting one…

Big thanks to the pax for bringing it on a Saturday morning!  Everyone was going hard and I am still feeling the workout writing this a couple days later.  

Rooter, we miss you!  Thanks for giving me the keys!!!

Until the gloom,
