Peace, Love and Understanding (plus Burpees and Pullups)

Eight of Davidson's Faithful assembled at 5:15am on the Town Green for the Tuesday Advanced Early Shift.  It's been a while for me taking the Q, so I was happy to see a few guys show up.

Warm-up: SSH, Squat, Alt Lunge, Side Lunge, Imperial Walker, Merkin, Mtn Climbers, Davidson stretch

IB School for the First 48: 10 pullups. run to tables, 10 dips, run to blacktop, 10 burpees; then 8,8,8 and 6,6,6.  Regroup and repeat in inverse order: 6 pullups, run, 6 dips, run, 6 burpees; then 8,8,8; 10,10,10 (crowd pleaser).

Bottom of Hill:  5 burpees at other end, bear crawl accross field, 10 squats at bottom of hill, run to top, 15 straight count pushups.  Repeat 3X.

Run to Church for Pavers: Curls X10, SC X10, Bent over rows X10, Military Press X10, Lat Pullover X10, Bench Press X10, run to dumpsters and back. Repeat 2X.

Back to Green for Mary, then out of time.

Moleskin: Hulka led the way on the first 48, Larry Birding the Q.  He's about 160, 32 y.o. with an aerodynamic haircut so I should probably get used to it.

Riptide was the original Q but somehow it was changed to me in the last minute version of the schedule.  Some of the guys who came out were expecting Riptide but endured me as Q anyway. Fewer paver reps but more pullups and burpees!

Genghis chimed in that much of what I do is really just a derivative of Stairway to Seven, which is probably true but I never thought about it.

We finished with COT, praying for those mentioned and un-named.  Also, YHC encouraged everyone to be forces for peace, love and understanding in this violent and unpredictable world. Interestingly, I found out subsequent to our workout that Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Pdiddy, Diddy has changed his name yet again, to "Brotha Love".  So you can call me that too now if you want.

Thanks all for a fun time out there in the Gloom!