Peanut Butter Jelly Time at Mad Sci

15 LAB RATS followed 9 Lives' 2.0 PBJ up and down the levels of pain at Mad Sci.  We started off at a brisk 32 degrees.  YHC wore shorts, a long sleeve and my trusty ascot/scarf.  Twitter blasts had F3 LKN royalty Jolly Roger and 9 Lives out of their caves and back to the hardest workout on a Wednesday in North Country.  
And it went something like this…
Run Around the Clock and down
Warmup in basement 
SSH, Windmill, Carrot Pullers 
20 jump squats oyo
Run up the steps and back down
20 burpees 
Run up steps
Stay on the top deck
Lateral plank to the wall
Partner Up and Partner Carry back to the other wall 
Pain Station#2 
Parter Derkin Descent Together
Sprint the ramp all the way down
10 partner derkins each on the way down
Ascend up the basement steps
At the top 10 partner derkins
Pain Station #3
Come all the way down ramp
Skip, backwards, Sprint, wheelbarrow, piggyback, different exercises
Pax Potporri on the way down
Burpees – Uncle Rico and Vinegar Bend 
10 pull ups – Uncle Rico 
WW2 – Jolly Roger 
? – 9 Lives 
? – Qbert 
Pain Station# 4
Clock Huntersville
Partner 1 sprints around building
Partner 20 20 20
Step Ups 
Wall Jumps 
Pain Station #5
Relay races
Qbert – QueerBerts x 6 (5 count merkin to Mktar J'ais) 
PBJ – 10 Mountain Climbers in Cadence 
Good to see 15 PAX at the Mad Scientist.  Regulars like Caboose and Qbert anchoring down the ship.  Good to see OG's like Jolly, Stray, and 9 Lives. 
PBJ, 9 Lives' 13 year old 2.0, was blazing fast down the dizzying ramps.  Only Brown Bag had a chance to catch him.  Men, this is a good reminder of two things:  (1) you are fast when you are young (this we can't control), and (2) you are fast when you are not carrying a lot of weight (this we can control).  
We ended the workout in a 40 yard dash uphill and downhill relay race.  Just a 2% decrease in your body weight will translate in significant and noticeable gains on your 40 yard dash.  Set small goals and get healthier and faster so we can catch these hate, hate, hates in the gloom.  T-Claps to PBJ for getting up early.  Think you, Stray, and 9 Lives may have run 2 miles to the workout too?  Wow.  
I need to get back in shape.  See you men soon.  Merry Christmas and continue to lift up FiA Lexington that lost a member during a workout in a tragic, fatal pedestrian accident.  We lift your family up in prayer.  Be safe men. 