Pearls on a string

Event Date

Jul 11, 2022

7 for today at Mustang weren't afraid of a Clark Q.

FNG-1 is Dr. Jones

Audible… The practice field is a giant marsh. Had planned to include Nicole WOD (20 minute AMRAP of 1/4 mile and max pull-ups) as part of today with a few sprints and speed work. Instead, the track was open. It was dry-ish. Audible is a pure pearls on a string workout. Run, 2 exercises, run, 2 exercises, … etc. 

COP All IC of various numbers
Toy Soldiers
Grandma Maters

Mosey a lap to  get a litte loose

That Thing Maybe not in this order, but something like this
Dips and Step-ups Run a lap
Merkins, Alan Iversons, Run a lap
Decline Merkins, Lunge Walk 100 Yards, Run 3/4 lap
Double Wide Merkins, 1 leg Glute Bridge (each side), Quadraphilia the straights, mosey the corners
Diamond Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Sprint the straights, mosey the corners
Dive Bomber Merkins, Squat, run back to the launch pad

Low Flutters
Low Dolly
Dr. W
Perter Parkers

Recover Recover

Verse OTD as the Great Palmist wrote

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will remember Your wonders of old. I will meditate on all Your works And thoughfully consider all Your deeds.

Psalms 77 11-12


  • Dirt gets his first taste of Dr. W and enjoys it… Others say don't encourge the Q
  • Crabby was so sure YHC was going to call Dragon Walk. Sorry to disappoint.
  • Sparrow enjoyed the Dive Bomber Merkins
  • Thriftshop wanted to see us all in Yoga pants doing diver bomber merkins
  • Dr Jones sometimes calls himself Dr. J at namearama
  • Dr. Dolittle tweaked a knee