Pec-tacular Christmas Music Around the Christmas Tree at Cauldron

With potential rain in the forecast, the recent brisk mornings and the Huntersville Half the next day, YHC wondered how many pax might show for YHC's final Q of the year at this fine AO.  YHC estimated and planned for 17, and indeed 17 arrived.  Happy Gilmore even arrived at my driveway at 0515 so we could clown car to the AO – a pleasant surprise!


Carry ya bells to the typical launch pad.  Circle up for the typical warm-o-rama right after the disclaimer and YHC getting the Christmas Music on the Pil speaker.  SSHs x 20 IC, ISTs x 10 IC, Long snappers and windmills.  Fin.

The Thang:

A repeato of an Aug 27 Q – so much of a repeato that YHC forgot the learnings from that Q and repeato'ed the same errors…  Cannot have more than 4 pax to a group as there are only 4 benches for KB presses.  But with that said, how we ended up with a group of 5 and a group of 2 is beyond me.  Remember your number, men!!!

4 stations, rotation.  Station 5 is the running group, which is the timer for all other stations.  All other stations are AMRAP. 

Station 1:  KB presses and KB flies, AMRAP

Station 2:  Curls, Lawn Mower Pulls and Skull Crushers – mix em up, AMRAP.  Many groups took turns calling sets of 10 in cadence, which seemed to work well.

Station 3:  Box (wall) jumps and/or step-ups.

Station 4:  Core work – pax choice.

Station 5:  Run up each ramp to the top of the deck, down the far staircase, then back to the pax.

The above allowed for 2 rounds and there should have been good burning with every station as the only pax to return from the deck climb quickly was Kosar, and we ignored him upon his return while we awaited his team.  Man, he's fast though.  Or his team was slow.  *wondering*


The Christmas Music was a playlist of Alternative Christmas Music off Spotify.  Some seemed to like it, others not so much.

As stated previously, Kosar can motor up and down that deck fast!

Many thanks to all the pax who posted at Cauldron throughout 2021, and t-claps to those who found a way to win through the complex formula.  While the intent was to hand out 1 kettle bell t-shirt a month when YHC Q'ed, I think about 15 were handed out along the way.  December's winner (and at this time YHC is thinking the final t recipient) was Rocket – congrats, brother!

YHC doesn't recall right now who each recipient was, but it would be cool to see all the pax post on Twitter a pic of them in their T one at a time so F3Nation could see them all and how many fit both the body and personality of the recipient.  The formula truly was complex…

T-Claps to Gnarly Goat for taking us out in COT.  Great message and prayer, used some vocabulary much of the pax may have turned to Webster to understand afterward.  There were also prayers for our military, and especially their football teams!

That's it.  The Force is OUT.
