
Event Date

Aug 21, 2020

11 (named maybe a week or so ago) will likely always be the 1st pax listed in every BB, until someone is named, "1".  *idea*

Not listed in pax list is Popcorn, named a week or so also.  We need to get him on the website – he's definitely an HC for F3.  Heard Soprano EHed him for his 1st post at MMM, then fartsacked while he posted at Gladiator when he was named.

In BC times (Before COVID), YHC always liked to use the KBs at the short walls for bench press – very few locations have options for great chest/pectoral exercises – but DC (During COVID) we've not been sharing equipment, so none of my Qs have included such activities.  YHC is TIRED of DC times, ready for AC times (need I type it out?).  So YHC packed extra KBs AND the battle rope AND a new canister of Lysol wipes and and a weinke full of pleasurable pain.  9 pax plus the Q rolled into the gloom beside the parking deck and here's how things went from there…

Disclaimer:  YHC is not a professional, not responsible/liable, nor is F3, etc, etc.  AND your pecs will be sore tomorrow.

The Thang:

Mosey into the deck.  Make our way to the top, stopping at each level for Merkins, in cadence.  20, 10, 10, then 5 at the first/only stop on the way down.

Mosey down, not stopping (because c’mon – it’s downhill).  Back to the bells, do crucifix Merkins AMRAP until all pax arrive. 

Pair up the KBs by weight, hand out wipes to clean each, mosey to the concrete courtyard.

Count off by 2.

  • 1s pick a bench and two freshly wiped KBs.
    • KB Chest Press AMRAP
    • KB Flies AMRAP
    • KB Chest Press AMRAP
    • KB Flies AMRAP
  • 2s are the timers while 1s are AMRAPing
    • Lap around the grass
    • People’s Chair til the last pax can’t any more (timed, compare to FiA Olympics)
    • Lap around the grass
    • Lap around DPK

Still time for more!  So back to where we started, everyone back to their own KB, then

  • The Colt 45
    • Low Curls x 15 IC
    • High Curls x 15 IC
    • Fully Curls x 15 IC

MWAR (Mary With A Rope)

The pectacular and peculiar moleskine:

– YHC could once knock out 50 or more merkins and feel nothing. Today the pecs were ready to shut down after the first set of 20 IC.  But we still added 25 more IC – all before we hit the KB Bench Presses!  Can't wait to hear from the pax tomorrow/Sunday.

– FiA is doing their FiA Olympics and at each workout they have a measured or timed event of some type.  Recently there was a people's chair challenge.  The M told me somone held it for 5.5 minutes.  Strong!  So we tried today (YHC lasted 90 seconds – go ahead everyone…) and Die Hard, Crimson and TopGun were determined to last longer than the FiA champ! Die Hard went first and lasted 6 minutes.  Then Crimson and TG went.  Crimson was only concerned with outlasting Die Hard (interesting) but TG went a full 6 mins, 40 seconds!  Bad news, fellas – we need to go again next week. The M tells me FiA also had their arms fully extended up the entire time and watched to ensure legs were always at 90 degrees or disqualification ensued.  Feel free to do it on your own, record it, then send it out.  Wait, maybe don't.

– During MWAR (the routine YHC came up with years ago), Crimson (MWAR 1st timer) had to remind me when it was my turn on the rope!  Kicked me in the 6 and YHC was like, "what, dude???"

– During COVID, YHC has Q'ed a workout and handed out latex gloves, and now another and handed out wet wipes.  Today the wet wipes were used on the KB handles (fine) as well as to wipe the thick, hard handle of the long, thick, black… rope. #ThatWasWeird #EveryoneDidIt

Good times and good work, men!  Coffeteria did not disappoint as we got to know Popcorn.  That dude does some real technical $hit with aerospace engineering/parts.  Not as important as Blackbeard's maintenance of Slack for F3, my watering of plants at the greenhouse or Amen's work… gathering free snacks?  Anyway, get to know him.  He found Wynfield as his next place to live from 5000 miles away (Cali)!