Pectacular burpees with the Nantan

*Slaughter was not listed above so added him as FNG-1. Clearly he is not an FNG but had to capture his presence some way. 

YHC had an early morning conflict. Not wanting to miss coffeteria, the plan was to work hard for 30 minutes and the grab some coffee with the PAX. Unbeknownst to YHC, 9 lives had invited the F3 Nantan to join us today. I considered abandoning the plan but decided to stick with it. 5:30 hit and we were off. 


Disclaimer & Warmup IC

Windmills x 10

Dwight Shrutes x 10

IST x 10

Arm circles 


Zamperini to the DPK entrance and center platform to circle up. 

10 burpees OYO

25 KB Swings OYO

10 burpees OYO

15 KB Curls IC

10 burpees OYO 

15 KB O-press IC

10 burpees OYO 

15 KB skull crushers IC

10 burpees OYO 

15 KB side bends IC each side


Pectacular sequence 

Partner up and match bell weights for chest press and fly’s. Partner 1 does 15 chest press While partner 2 does low flutter until P1 is finished. Flap-Jack with P2 pressing & P1 fluttering. Round 2 P1 does 15 fly’s & P2 does V-ups. Flap-Jack… Round 3 P1 back to press, P2 back to fluttering. Flap-Jack… Round 4 P1 fly’s & P2 V-ups, last flap-Jack. 



10 KB WW2

10 J-Lo IC



It was great to have slaughter come visit from uptown. Thank you for joining today and participating in the abbreviated workout. Well done on the standard with 9-lives and The Force. Also, thanks for not revoking our charter. Speaking of…


Frogger nearly got it revoked by going backwards in counting off. That and the goldfish driving to NW Arkansas for a $10k bitcoin signing bonus nearly cost us all. 


Blackbeard saw the same story about Arkansas and was considering a move there after the work out. Good luck with that.


Diehard and Rocket took advantage of the leg friendly workouts to rest up for the trail race tomorrow. Well done.


Titan and Amen were positioned around the circle together at the start. Titan quickly realized that was not a great idea. He moved around the circle until he was able to get a safe distance from the explosive one. 


Frontier is a wealth of musical knowledge. Someone mentioned war on drugs, and he quickly referenced several of that bands songs. Impressive and quick.


Special thanks to 9-lives for inviting the Nantan to our region. Hopefully today’s standard and workout will help you sleep. Well done sir. 


The Force was my covert co-conspirator in the abbreviated workout. Once he approved it I knew I was on to something. It was a pectacular success. 


Lawndart got all his Burpee‘s done for the week. Good luck with the ever difficult Saturday and Sunday Burpees.


I’m all seriousness, I am not one to skimp on a workout and appreciate you going along with the plan. I think we got a solid beat down in 30 minutes with our quick pace and minimal stops. Until next time…