Pectacular Pecs, Swole Arms and Glorious Tarzan Chorus

YHC whipped out a previously used but hopefully not over-used weinke for the fellas today, but YHC did not whip out the big, long, thick, black… rope.  FiA was already playing with that today.  Sigh…

We began by hauling our KBs and extra weights over to the corner courtyard (where the VOAS is – oh – that’s short for Vagina On A Stick).  We’d have a basic warm-o-rama of the usual while YHC attempted to que the playlist for the morning.  Sirens would interrupt us more than once.

The Thang and The Moleskine all mixed together:

Playlist began with a terrible song no pax recognized or enjoyed.  So we skipped to the next.  This began tremendous enjoyment of today’s “1 Hit Wonders of All Time” playlist.

That first song we skipped:  “Love is All Around” (from Four Weddings and a Funeral) by Wet Wet Wet

Ok, so we actually lifted weights too….

Partner 1 runs a lap as the timer while Partner 2 AMRAPs:

Round 1:  On the bench, KB/dumbell presses.  Repeato.  3-peato (but audible here – split the 3rd set in half and start KB/dumbell flies).

Round 2:  On the bench, KB/dumbell flies.  1.5 rounds of this.

Pecs are SMOKED at this point!  Pax begin to audible and the Q takes note.  

Plank while the pax all return.  Quick pectoral stretch.  Circle up.

Now we’d do sets of KB exercises.  We’d 3-peat the Curls and Skull Crushers b/c it’s late April – pool/beach season is coming and chicks dig arms.  We’d repeato others.

Curls, Skull Crushers, Shoulder Presses, Lawn Mowers, Christian McCalf-raises.  Whole lotta burn throughout.

“Tarzan Boy” by Baltimora came on and Amen showed the pax his body could make glorious sounds – far different from the sounds the pax are accustomed to hearing from him.   There are so many chorus segments to this SIX MINUTE long song, Amen had numerous opportunities to flex the pipes.  YHC would ask, “Now give us more of a Tarzan voice.”  Then, YHC would announce that ALL the pax would join in on the next chorus.  Together, 11 pax would belt out the “oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh…” (it goes on and on as Tarzan would swing vine to vine) at max volume as cars were stopped at the intersection.  Epic.

At 6:07 we’d begin Mary, which (again) did not include YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope thanks to FiA.  But YHC knew the pax would expect me to whip it out so nah – always leave ’em wanting more.
