Pectacular Workouts Draw Pectacular Numbers – Especially at Cauldron

FNG-1 = Paul.  EH'ed by Little Finger

Been a couple months since we gave this workout a shot.  Seemed to get more and more organized the more we tried it… until TWENTY TWO pax show up in the gloom!  Yoiks!!!

But here's "kinda" how it went:

Warm-o-rama of the usual stuff.  Then over to the DPK entrance where the boxes and benches are.  Also where more future F3'ers can see us, be jealous and in awe of the pax's awesomeness.

Break into stations and groups at each station.

1:  KB press and KB flies

2: KB curls and KB Skull Crushers

3: Box Jumps and Step-ups

4: Lawn Mower Pulls and Bent Over Rows

5: Lap around DPK and the grassy courtyard.  This would be the timer group for all the other stations.  Grass wasn't enough (bunch of runners crashed our party today so they made their way around FAST)

Got in a few rounds of each station, switched groups by 2 pax shifting a group ahead for the later round just to add confusion (the idea was to get more pax talking to new pax).

Then back over for Mary where not all the pax had previously been witness to YHC's big, long, thick, black… rope.  So YHC whipped it out and guys took turns with it.  Lotta heavy breathing out there.

So there was MWAR, which included first 50 Jackknife LBCs each leg.  Took 5 pax even numbers of 25/leg to get through it.  Math doesn't add up?  It does if you take a D!CK like Frontier who interupts the flow of this initiative by calling for 10 burpees OYO.  But the pax perservered.  Then there were other Mary exercises til recover-recover.

Oh yeah – and Frogger joined YHC for a 2 mile standard.  YHC slowed him down – legs were still burnin' from the double down Wednesday at Ludicrous Speed and Night Ranger (the beers made it all worth it though).  Also I believe Amen finally showed up to take a walkin' mosey standard with Frontier.


*** see above ***

That's it.  The Force is OUT.
