Per the Website, There Was Stretching AND Core

YHC noticed yesterday when signing up for the Q that the AO address was still reflecting the clubhouse from last winter, so we fixed that just in time to change it back pretty soon based on the cool temps outside this AM!

YHC also noted the description of the workout states “Stretching and core” so YHC felt compelled to deliver both. 

So we did 30 mins of stretches and 15 mins of core, or something like that.  I’d type it all out in the order we did everything to prove to the pax YHC executed an intricate plan, but some other Q would probably copy the BB for their own use later, so screw that.  It shall remain locked secretly in YHCs brain.

Whole lotta mumblechatter this AM, mostly around what is and isn’t legal and (mostly Toxic) the pax’s opinions on the such.

Weather was great, music was soothing, pax were somewhat cooperative.  And YHC’s back feels pretty good.

9/11 convergence next Weds at Hopewell for a memorial workout led (I think) by 9-Lives up and down the steps of the stadium/bleachers.  Bring a ruck, a block, a KB or something to carry.  0530 Hopewell HS bus parking lot.  See the PB for more info.

