Perfect Kamikaze Morning

Event Date

Sep 20, 2022


0515 core standard for YHC, by 0530 I was joined by Drebin, Fudd, Mona, and FNG Evan. Evan lives right down Cashion Rd. and showed up with a massive stump in his truck bed – I was worried he was going to want to incorporate said stump into the workout, but thankfully it stayed put. But really, what is the point of even having a truck bed if you don't ride around all day with a massive stump in it?

Quick disclaimer was given orally – exercise at your own risk and if you attempt to file suit over injuries sustained during the workout I will ensure the other side obtains attorneys fees from you.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • IST x10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC
  • Long Snappers x10 IC
  • Merkins x5 IC


Grab a block. Head to the bottom of the first soccer field to place blocks, mosey to the starting line.  Today's kamikaze consisted of:

  • 10 block thrusters at the bottom of hill 1
  • 10 jump squats at the top of hill 1
  • 15 WWII's at the bottom of hill 2
  • 15 squats at the top of hill 2
  • 20 merkins at the bottom of hill 3
  • and an undisclosed exercise for the top of hill 3 since we didn't make it that far (we will make it to the top of the mountain eventually!)


Time left for about 5 minutes of Mary today consisting of low flutters, LBC's, box cutters, dying cockroaches, and freddie mercury's. 

Recover. Recover.

Q fail! YHC forgot to throw in some Huntersville local politics trivia, so we briefly discussed last night's board meeting during announcements. Don't forget, town board meetings are the 1st and 3rd Monday each month – you can follow the meetings on their youtube channel or at the town's fb page. 


  • Strong work from Evan today at a tough workout. EH'ed himself after looking up the website. Looking forward to seeing him out again soon.
  • Drebin leading from the front today making the kamikaze look easy.
  • Fudd and Mona Lisa were right behind grinding it out. Still waiting for the first mumblechatter outburst from Fudd – I can sense it building. 
  • Thanks to Mona for leading us in prayer this morning.
  • The kamikaze will be back in October on the 25th. We will finish all 6 rounds next month. Oh yes, we will finish.