Peter Parker Picked a Peck of Pickle Pounders

Event Date

Jan 18, 2016




Since most e’rbody has off today except for YHC and Diesel, we did 2 workouts today. C# gets t-claps for the double down.My GPS said 2.3 mile were covered, Diesels said 2.1. Since mine lied yesterday Dieels is probably right. There was lots of mosey.Begin with a mosey around the parking lot20 IC SSH15 IC Mt. Climbers10 IC Tonk HawksMosey across “Egypt” and into the neighborhood. Stop at the bottom of the hill.10 IC Squats10 IC Mericans20 IC LBCMosey around to the next cul-de-sac and back to the bottom.10 IC Alternating Lunges10 IC Diamond Mericans10 IC Peter ParkersMosey back to the school and down to the pull-up bar.10 pull-ups Mosey back to the start10 IC Werkins20 IC Pickle Pounders Mosey down Egypt across 73 to the side entrance for Trilogy.10 IC Alternating Side Lunges10 IC Pseudo Planche Mericans 10 IC Low Plank HopsMosey back to the start and discuss lower back stretching exercises. 6MOMIncluded aboveReflection See Sonars backblast that is following later.MoleskinGood 2nd F pace todayLots of mumble chatterQ was intrigued by what appeared to be a slow moving star. It wasn’t a plane, so what was it? Apparently it was likely a satellite.