Petting our pet rocks

12 faithful met for an improve beatdown with their pet rocks.
The Warmup:
– Mosey around the church back to the rock pile
– Windmill x10 ic
– IST x10 ic
– Slow Deep Squat x10 ic
– Mountain climbers x10 ic
The Event:
– Find a travel rock
– Colt 45
– Lower Curl x15 ic
– Upper Curl x15 ic
– Full Curl x15 ic
– Zamperini to the hill
– Start with 10 Full Body Burner and 1 burpee top of hill
– Repeat -1 burner and +1 Burpee
– Repeat till 1 Burner and 10 Burpees
– Zamperini to the benches
– Dips x10 ic
– Stock the Shelf w/ rock x10 ic
– Incline Merkins x10 ic
– Zamperini to the Wall
– Peoples Chair w/ Rock petting x10 ic
– Rocky Balboa x10 ic
– People Chair w/ Rock Curl x10 ic
– Balls to the wall
– Pass Mary around starting with Pete "The Force" Newton for 50x WWII ic
– Other lead but I was to tired to recall them all 🙂
1. Beautiful morning this morning with high humidity.
2. I find it amusing that it is so easy to reduce mumble chatter by working in a ton of burpees
3. May God bless you guys today in all you do.