PFFTTttt…..300 men to build a wall? Racecity just needs 11…..

YHC had the honor of leading Racecity in the battle to look better naked for the third time this week.  Taking a page from the movie 300, he assumed the role of King Leonidas which ironically in Greek means "cupcake".  Our ranks were depleted as four regulars were fighting a battle on another front – the GoRuck Valentines Day Co-ed Public Light event in Charlotte.  Another, our orthodontal oracle was expanding his knowledge of biological torsional force vector response curves of impacted canines under load of copper nickel titanium wires.  The rest…fartsacking plain and simple.

We started with the pledge as always moseyed around the parking lot and settled in for some warm up:

25 DC SSH's

15 IST's

12 Cottonpickers

10 DC Mericans

15 Mountain climbers…..then the thang

In the movie 300 King Leonidas handpicks 300 of his finest warriors.  YHC had 11 of Racecity's mightiest strongest bravest guys that showed up.  Since 300 is an epic guy movie YHC assumed his warriors had all seen it.  Under cross examination one of the men admitted to not seeing the movie resulting in a 10 burpee penalty and revokation of his man-card.

Their first task as in the movie – rebuild the great Phoecian wall to funnel Xerxes army, technically illegal immigrants in Sparta, into the Hot Gates where King Leonidas (Cupcake) and his army would destroy them.   Each pax had to run from the parking lot to the culvert and retrieve a large rock then run it up the stairs back to the parking lot where the wall would be constructed.  Each man making three trips.  A time hack in place since Xerxes army was approaching.

Having built the wall YHC inquired of hs men what the spartans used for mortar accroding to the movie.  Having muffed another quote another 10 burpee penalty was again issued.

Xerxes army attacked in five waves – but Racecity Spartans were prepared.  Men paired up to create the Racecity version of the Spartan Phalanx.  Each man retrieving a rock from the Great Stumpy wall first.

Wave 1:  300 total Mericans – one man lunge walks across parking lot while other man mericans / switch.

Wave 2:  300 squats with rock – one man bear crawls across parking lot while other man squats / switch

Wave 3  300 LBC's with rock – one man duck walks across parking lot while other man LBC's / switch

Wave 4:  300 curls with rock – one man crab walks across parking lot while other man curls / switch

Wave 5:  300 shoulder presses with rock – one man burpee broad jumps across parking lot while other man presses / switch

Men then returned their "ancient stones to the bosom of Racecity herself"  and assembled in the parking lot for Mary.


50 DC LBC's

25 DC Flutters

10 DC WWII sit ups

15 Mason Twists

In honor of King Leonidas's wife Gorgo – the men then did the airbourne alphabet and spelled "H-O-T-C-H-I-C-K"


We added another to our ranks (sponsored by Crack) – Russ Smith named:  Porker….as in the movie European Vacation" when Russ says "Hey dad, I think he's gonna pork her".

YHC is watching 300 again to see if the Spartans complained as much as Racecity Pax – did not recall that element in the movie.

A straggler showed up for honorable mention to coffeteria at Panera – Santiago – he fell victim to the Fartsack (by the way Panera in Greek means "We're never coming here again")

Pax celebrated their many blessing and prayed for the safe return of their brothers fighting on the southern front to earn a little pink patch on a rainy saturday afternoon.  Nuff said.

