Physical Test – Special Agent

Event Date

Feb 17, 2018

Quick warm up lap around track – Jaws, Turnpike, Jolly, and YHC already warmed from RR10k 

SSH X 15

Cotton Picker X 15

FBI Special Agent PT test as follows:

Count Max Sit ups in 1 minutes

300 Yard sprint

Max Merkins in 1 minute

1.5 mile run – in theory at racing pace

Max Pull ups (plus a couple with aid to finish out)

No time for mary


It was good to do a PT test again, not sure I've done many since ruck training, and wanted to dig one out instead of pure running.

Congrats to Mona Lisa who blasted the PAX with his 300 yard dash – he took this one seriously.  Most seemed to take the sit-ups seriously.  Glad we maxed out on Merkins and pull ups before Gnarly Goat Q'd the estate.  Want to know if you would have passed the test look here:

I think I was pretty close – not sure of my exact speed on the 300 yard dash.  As always glad to have all of you out pushing me, hope this felt a bit different with a solid challenge.