Pick a Card

Also, Bambi, Overboard, STP, Rogue, Cookie

17 Strong

Warm-up at the Green

SSH, IST, MC, Stretching

The Thang;

Headed to the track but too crowded so mosied to the gymnasium parking lot. Didn't want The Hangover to embarrass himself when he spilled his barbecue and mac n cheese!

The Workout

Picked 4 post in the parking lot

Run the lot and at each post pulled a card

Red – Merkins based on face value

Black – Burpees

All face cards were 10 Squats

Joker- run a complete lap.

Completed 6 laps – mumble chatter that the merkin cards were non-existant.

Couple of bold older men tried to catch Bambi – Old but not Wise!

Left the parking lot and mosied through campus for 4 more stations of Mary and Cards.

All in all completed 26 cards.

Back to Green just slightly over the limit.

Recover recover!

Nice work boys!