Pick a partner you like you have to keep him a while

We are at the General so Clowns pile out of vehicle and say the pledge cause we made it right on time.  Kept a sharp eye out for our eternally late member Kid Rock but he must be saving himself for something else.  Pledge complete we comenced to the thing while learning that Outlaw never loses arguments except when he argues with his wife. (then he always losses) Don't we all brother

The Thang

Warm up jog around the parking lot with some karoke thrown in

SSH x20

Cotton Pickers x15

Windmills x15

Then we were requested to give exercise demos and the Disclaimer for our FNG. I responded that the disclaimer is BS and never needs to be given so Hippie gave the Disclaimer.

Arm circles –Shoe kept these in cadence — interesting to note Shoe can only keep cadence for Arm circles and invisible jump rope.

Partner up — You will keep this partner the entire workout so choose wisely but size doesnt matter

Partner work 1 runs lap to Entrance while other does exercise and filp flop

Partners do combined 100 diamond merkins at bottom of entrance

Partners do combined 200 CDD's

Partners do combined 300 LBC's

Al Gores between untill all done so we keep up with The Geek

Mosey to Wall of Fun

Partner 1 does exercise on wall while other completes assigned exercise Flip Flop and repeato

Partner 1 Balls to wall Partner 2 15 1/4 turn jump squats

Partner 1 spidermans on wall Partner 2 7 Burpees

 Partner 1 peoples chair Partner 2 10 Jump lunges

Mosey to begining spot for 10 Good Morning merkins (hand shake merkins) wheelbarrow to top of lot and 10 leg throw downs flip flop wheelbarrow repeato good morning merkins

Mary: done on the soft play area for the purpose of keeping Pax coxises from injury

15 Mason twist

20 crunchey frogs

15 glute bridges

20 low flutter

Recover Recover


1)The Clown car was coming in hot today loaded with all but Smorsey who may have left F3.  Everyone should start bothering him as often as possible until he post again and you each see it with your own eyes.

2) chatter was brisk untill the running began though Hippie tried to continue riding the Q at every opportunity.

3) the FNG was an animal today and apparently was staying with Omega who apparently requires guest to post with him as rent.

4) By far the nicest clown is the newest Striker if you havent gotten to know him you should hes not a jerk like the rest of us. Although he was very quiet during tha actual workout he was extremely vocal on the rides to and fro.

5) Also noted was the stong push by the respect crowd Oyster, Shoe and Hippie are monsters.  Hippie also  wonders about Shaken's ability to count.

6) Metallica felt shortchanged by his partner drawing so he recruited a 3-some I didnt think we were that kind of group.

7) Shoe claimed I made up this workout as I went but I pulled out the paper that had it all written down Hattrick was quick to disclaim the naming of the Wall of Fun.

We were reminded at the end how blessed we are by the remembering of The Geeks friend that passed away recently at 40.  Keep his family and 2 young daughters in your prayers.  Also get those guys that you know need F3 out in the gloom its incredibly humbling to have the support of so many men in my life now that 3 years ago I never even thought I needed.

