Pick up Cindy, and don’t put her down…Part 2

* Also in attendance but not registered on website were No Fry (WB at 16 and The Force's 2.0) and Steamy.  Note: Noticed Steamy in the PAX list on 30-Aug…adding to this BB long after the fact.

13 PAX in total for The Fallout, plus Tweetsie ran #TheStandard.

YHC is not known for creativity.  So if an even mildly creative workout spawns from the old think tank, I will milk it for all it’s worth.  Part 1 went down last week at The Mighty Oak:


Well, maybe the creative part is debatable…but when compared to other workouts I’ve led…

But luckily, no one from last week at The Mighty Oak was present today…so it's new to everyone!

Part 2 at The Fallout went something like this:

0450:  A secret run standard with Jedi, Tweetsie, Wingman, and 9 Lives that actually started late at 0456.  Perhaps this was organized on "The Slack" or whatever the young folks call it.

0500:  Your regurlarly scheduled #RunStandard with Jolly, Landshark, and YHC which started exactly on time.

0530:  Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Quick disclaimer.


  • SSH x 15 IC (ish – much incognating today)
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 IC (just so the distinction is clear)
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

The Sequel Thing:

Partner up.  Grab one cinder block per team.  Do not put it down unless instructed to do so. 

"Looks like there will be one group with 3" turned into confusion and a bunch of teams of 3 standing together.  Tweetsie, we needed you to stay brother!  Either that or we needed Burner's help with the Math.  Or maybe it was a Q Fail.  #Sorry

We moved towards the school wall as follows:

  • Partner 1:  Bear crawl to next section of parking lot
  • Partner 2:  Walks next to partner 1 doing AMRAP block curls
  • Flip flop to next section. 
  • Partner 1:  Crab walk
  • Partner 2:  Skull crushers AMRAP
  • Flip flop

Zamporini carry blocks the rest of the way to the wall, switching with partner as needed.

  • Partner 1:  Shoulder press x 20 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Balls to the wall
  • Flip flop and repeato.
  • Partner 1:  People’s chair block curls x 15 IC
  • Partner 2:  Shoulder Touch Mericans x 15 IC (all in cadence together)
  • Flip flop, then repeato.

On the basketball courts:

Partner wheelbarrow…still holding the block.  Switch half way or as needed, finish at far end of basketball court at the last hoop.

("Trust me, it's been done before" wasn't enough to convince Tantrum that we should do it again.  But hey, isn't 90% of what we do a bit questionable?)

  • Partner 1:  Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Low flutter with block AMRAP
  • Flip flop.  (Not "reverse-o", thanks 9 Lives!)
  • Partner 1:  Slow deep block squats x 20 OYO
  • Partner 2:  Jump squats x 25 OYO
  • Flip flop, then repeato all the above.

You can put your blocks down…and bear crawl push them across the basketball courts!

Lunge walk next to your partner, switch pushing block at every hoop.

On the way back down the parking lot, complete a ladder while walking:

  • Partner 1:  10 shoulder press
  • Partner 2:  9 shoulder press
  • Etc to 1.

But wait, partner 2 does 5 more shoulder presses so that everyone does 30.  #Bam.  Oh wait, not sure how the team of 3 split this up?  Sorry I should have spent more time thinking about you guys but Jedi was there to handle it professionally.  Either that or I quickly forgot there was a team of 3…but let's go with the other story.

At the grass hills we did:

  • Partner 1:  Crawl bear up the hill, bear crawl down.  Or run or roll down or whatever you felt like doing.
  • Partner 2:  Block swings AMRAP

Return blocks and circle up in the lower parking lot, on the grass; you're welcome.


  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up, JLOs x 15 IC.  HOLD for:
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Low flutters x 10 IC

Recover, recover.  Distance was slightly less than 1 mile according to my Garmin.


  1. The Force was WD and rolled in with the 2 youngest guys; his 2.0 "No Fry" and The Iron Man.  Strong work by all.  Please someone needs to step up and Q The Wilderness this week…or The Force will be "Forced" to smoke everyone again.
  2. Speaking of The Iron Man, he has a shirt which says "The Iron Man".  It's either a Cal Ripken thing…or the awesome-est F3 shirt ever.  Either way, someone asked Steamy when we can expect a shirt with his F3 name on it.
  3. Always cool to see Wingman make the trip from River Run.  He's a much better runner than he gives himself credit for, and we have to try to make it worth his time with a tough workout.
  4. Mooch and Tantrum came expecting a run heavy workout…and I hope they got their money's worth.
  5. Sponge Bob…Kotters!  In fairness, he did complete a #CSAUP adventure race recently and needed time to recover from that.
  6. 9 Lives is always good to clean up any bad Q habits, thanks brother.  Wish we could've run together today…but understand your need to leave 4 minutes early with your team.
  7. If you happen to be a scrawny guy with 3 recent HTLers at a workout (Jedi, Jolly, and Landshark), you do the best you can to give them a good workout.  Great to see you all out for #TheStandard.  Summer is awesome in Isotope.
  8. Thank you 66 for the opportunity to lead.  Sorry about the alarm fail, we missed you out there.

Have a great week everyone, Turnpike.