Pick up Cindy, and don’t put her down; until otherwise told

13 Pax on a very humid day at The Mighty Oak.  The gates were locked, but that didn't stop us.  Here is what went down to the best of my memory.

Tuesday:  Dingo, a gracious and awesome MQ; comes to the school and clears out some of the tall grass / weeds around the cinder blocks.  Unnecessary but much appreciated!! 

0445:  Kosar arrives at Mad Scientist, still unsure if a run standard is happening.  Seeing no one there yet, he leaves for The Mighty Oak…

0500:  …which was great because YHC didn't have to run alone.  We covered 2.21 miles at a nice 2nd F pace.

0530:  Given the gate situation, we warmed up in place for a bit in case there were any late joiners.


  • High knees in place for ~45 seconds  (this was met with confusion)
  • (Disclaimer given)
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 10 IC  (this was met with gripes)
  • ISTs x 10 IC  (this was met with approval)

The Thing:

Inspiration from these two workouts from 2016:





Today we partnered up (one team had 3) for a similar but not identical workout.  Grab one cinder block per team, do NOT put it down unless instructed to do so.  We were behind the school on the basketball courts.


Partner 1:  Bear crawl from the start to the 4th basketball hoop

Partner 2:  Walk next to your parter, doing AMRAP curls with block

Flip flop back to the start.

Partner 1:  Block overhead press

Partner 2:  Shoulder touch Mericans

All x 10 in the same cadence

Flip flop and repeato

Partner 1:  Zamporini hold block overhead

Partner 2:  Run to 4th hoop and back

Flip flop and repeato

Over to a wall.

Partner 1:  Wall sit with block curls

Partner 2:  Shoulder touch Mericans

All x 10 in the same cadence

Flip flop and repeato


We were maybe 20 minutes in at this point when the Q graciously allowed everyone to put down their block…for some block pushes on the ground.


Partner 1:  Push block on ground (got to love that burnt smell!) to the second hoop

Partner 2:  Lunge walk next to your partner

Flip flop at the second hoop, go until the 4th hoop


Determined that that was not far enough, and the lunge walks weren't fast enough to keep up with partner.  Adjustment made:


Partner 1:  Push block all the way back to the start

Partner 2:  Quadraphilia behind parter

We repeated this a "few" times throughout the rest of the workout.  Additionally we included a few others:


Partner 1:  Slow Deep Block Squats x 20 OYO

Partner 2:  Jump Squats x 20 OYO

Repeato, but with only 15 block squats since that was slower.


Partner 1:  Skull crushers AMRAP

Partner 2:  Run to 4th hoop and back

Flip flop and repeato

Partner 1:  Upright rows AMRAP

Partner 2:  Run to 4th hoop and back

Flip flop and repeato


At some point there was an "ab interlude" that went something like:

  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Low flutters x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds followed by JLOs x 10 IC

Sound off in comments if YHC forgot anything, but that ^ was the gist of the workout.



  • Mosey to our cars, parked along the entrance way.
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.56 miles.



  1. We prayed for Jazzhands Dad, who had a stroke last week but is doing well.  And we prayed for Kosar and family as he lost an uncle last week.
  2. Kosar thanks for the run and great conversation today brother.  Pax, check out Kosar's Tweet about a possible White Water Center trip.  Sounds like a great time for some 1st and 2nd F.
  3. Today is not Magnus's birthday, just to be clear.  Nor is it Dingo's birthday (yet).  But that didn't stop Magnus, Dry Rub, and Dingo from celebrating Dingo's birthday last month with a little golf outing.  This is what men must do occasionally to get the hall pass from the M.
  4. Dingo's real birthday is coming up.  In 2 weeks on July 14th we celebrate Dingo "no longer being a hate" at The Mighty Oak.  Though some have already stated they'd hate him if he brings back the PrimeTime workout. 
  5. We joked that Jazzhands didn't get his knees high enough early on, but he more than made up for it by doing more than his fair share of work when we partnered up.  Nice work bud.
  6. Actually we were a team of 3 with Tuffy as well.  Appreciate that you never put that block down buddy and congrats on 5 years in F3, we are lucky to have you in our region.
  7. Spreader has the Q next week.  It's going to be hotter, and the workout will be harder.  You've been warned!  Er…I mean invited.  Some of us will be DR so please support Spreader's Q.
  8. Binary wanted to stretch a 10 count into a 20 count but not sure we allow that?  To be honest the Q would've turned a blind eye (ear) because the counts were needed with all the cinder block fumes we were ingesting.
  9. Estwing is a solid regular now so let me be the first to ask a question you will start to hear very often:  When will your first Q be brother?  Sound off in the comments below!  Me thinks it should be at The Mighty Oak, where it all started for you.  But I'll admit my bias and love for this AO.
  10. Roadie reminded us we can order up some nice "The Mighty Oak" shirts.  Is there a link you can share in comments bud and I'll add to this Backblast?  Solid work today bud.
  11. Uncle Rico swears that proper cadence for shoulder touch mericans is something like:  1 – down and up;  2 – shoulder tap, down again;  3 – up, shoulder tap…in other words he was doubling our output.  Will have to consult with Snake Eyes to be sure, but I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on you Uncle Rico.  And we know you are an expert in the detection of BS Sir.  Just say you wanted to do double because the workout wasn't hard enough, YHC's feelings will not be hurt. 
  12. Eeyore has crazy Quadraphilia skills.  Wow.  He attributes his speed to playing outfield in baseball all these years.  He also attributes some aches and pains to playing softball more recently.  Hey at least we're staying ahead of the aging curve with this F3 thing my dude.
  13. Dingo thanks for the opportunity to lead.  And thanks for clearing the area around the blocks yesterday!  Sorry to hear the trimmer overheated…hopefully that is sorted now. 

Appreciate all the Pax today who showed up despite little evidence that YHC would deliver a creative workout.  Hopefully everyone got a sweat and started their day on a great note.


