Pick your path – Virtual Man Maker Monday – Week 6

You have options and free will to choose your path. Today there were many options for week six of Virtual Man Maker Monday. What path did you choose?

Option 1 – The Murph

Option 2 – Man Maker Monday Countdown

Option 3 – Both

Option 4 – You do you and make it your own

Option 1 – The Murph

  1. Run a mile
  2. 10 sets of – 10 Pull ups (100 total), 20 ‘Mericans (200 total) and 30 Squats (300 total)
  3. Run a mile

Option 2 – Man Maker Monday Countdown

Warm up – In Cadence

25 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Windmills, 10 Toy Solders, 10 Imperial Storm Troopers

The Thing – Single Count

10 Rounds – starting with 10 count, moving down one rep each round until you get to 1

  1. Kettlebell Squat
  2. Kettlebell Bent Over Row
  3. Kettlebell Upright Rows
  4. Kettlebell Full Curl
  5. Kettlebell Overhead Press
  6. Kettlebell Skull Crusher
  7. Kettlebell Burner (8 count – deadlift, curl, overhead press, skull crusher, back down to squat)
  8. Kettlebell Chest Press
  9. Kettlebell Mason Twist
  10. Kettlebell Swing
  11. ‘Mericans
  12. WWII Sit Up

Mary – In cadence

15 Low Flutters, 15 Dying Cockroach, 15 Rosaletta’s, 15 LBCs, 15 Crunchy Frogs

Option 3 – Both of the above


What Actually Happened?


13 PAX Virtual Embraced Man Maker

  • Rocket opted for Option 1 with a possible gesture to taking on the Murph later?…
  • Ultraman worked in round 13 with pull-ups with a nod to the Murph
  • Holiday, Little Professor and Deep Dish banged it out with social distancing.
  • Tuffy Murphed it out as a sad clown. Great to hear from you brother, I miss ya!
  • Drive Thru and Dr. Evil took their kettlebells to NMP with proper social distance
  • Olive crushed Option 1
  •  Cousin Eddie – Murph, Kettlebell Count Down and Cherry Bombs Abdominal Snowman – Yikes
  •  Fescue joined the party with his Kettlebell. looking forward to getting back to the Viking.
  • I modified the Murph with a two-mile run and Aussie Murph and tacked on Option 1 for good measure.
  • late addition Elmers. See the comments. 

Great to hear from everyone in this virtual world.