Pick your Poison

Event Date

Jun 28, 2018


6 men appeared at Cobalt for a beatdown.



High Knees, Butt Kicks, Skip, Karyoke, SSH x 30 IC, Wind Mills x 15 IC, Cherry Pickers x 15 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC, Mercans x 10 IC

The Thang:  Pick your poison = pick your dumbbells/ kettlebells

Dumbbell Exercises consisted of 10 reps each the following:

  1.   Deadlifts
  2.   Squats
  3.   Lunges (10 each leg)
  4.   Skull Crushers
  5.   Curls (10 each arm)
  6.   Military Press
  7.   Plank 1 min
  8.   Bent over row (10 each arm)
  9.   Mercans IC

 Then the pax jogged to the other end of the parking lot and did 5 Burpees, and jogged back

We did 2 rounds of the above and then proceeded to enjoy weighted Mary!

Mary:  All of the following were with dumbbells

  1.   Bridge plank, with  15 hip thrusts
  2.   V-ups x 15
  3.   WWII x 15
  4.   Mason Twist x 15
  5.   LBC with dumbbell behind head x 15


  • Nice morning for a good workout!  Felt great outside!
  • 911 came to the scene!  Good to see the OG!
  • Twister did the Murph on Monday, tried to make Tuesday, but he fartsacked, but made it out for the workout today.  Still got his 2 in for this week!
  • Oktoberfest had 2 rounds of squats before the workout, evidently 2nd verse same as first, except one being upstairs and the other one downstairs.
  • Oktoberfest's standard of squats prior to workout made the parking a bit tricky to avoid hitting the pax during warmup, and another coat of paint, would have taken out 911's bike.
  • Evidently the weighted bridge was a kegel exercise for some…
  • Evidently Natty and Oktoberfest found a great 2nd F spot called 4001 Yancey.  
  • Plan for some righteous pulled pork in the future, 704 is going to do a BBQ this summer for the F3 gang!  Getting hungry just thinking about it!
  • Strong work men, always an honor!