Pick your punishment

YHC decided that if I do not sign up to Q and test my injury, I am going to struggle to get out of bed. So I picked up the Q at Viking. Rolled in at 5:20 to Hippie, Edsel, and FNG-1 = Nugent warming up. At 5:30 we were off and did a quick mosey around the parking lot and eventually circled up for warmorama that included SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Slow Windmill, and Carrot puller.

Mosey to first picnic shelter.  At the picnic tables, 200 step-ups were required, but each lap around the concession area counted for 20. We also did Incline Merkin and dips.

Mosey through the park to the rock pile. Back at the base of the hill, we required 100 curl to press, but each quadraphelia up the hill counted for 10.  We finished with bent over row and skull crushers. Rocks back.

Mosey to the basketball court. 100 squats were required but every full court sprint took 10 off.

Mosey back up the hill toward home base stopping for a mobility moment. Back to home base for Mary that included WW2s, lil baby extenders, V ups, something that JB had us do that I can not remember the name of(sorry JB), and suzanne summers. Recover recover.

Still time to bring gently used books to any AO before 10/15. Prayers for everyone around the world suffering from tragedy. Prayers for a family from Israel staying with Nungent’s family in Tennessee that they will find some peace throughout what is going on. Thanks to Hippie for taking us out. Good attendance at coffee as well.