Picking ’em up and putting ’em down

Event Date

Jan 05, 2023


3 men showed up in the gloom for a mystical event

Warmorama: SSH, merkins ICx10, plank, CPs 

The Thang:

  • run to front park with pain station at boat storage entrance
  • Road races
    • bear crawl to tree, lunge back
    • alligator to tree, lunge back
    • high knees x 2 trees butt kick back
    • repeat, throw in karaoke to 3rd tree and back
    • run back to base

Mary – 2 rounds of good stuff


  • Surf can drop a loogie down a 1 inch diameter opening in a manhole from 6 feet. 
  • Germanator crushed the bear crawl, yet struggled with the alligator crawl
  • EC for Germanator and Q, run to and from AO
  • 45 minutes can go by quickly, when amongst good men
  • heart warming father/son story – working together to construct playset for kids after Christmas
  • This is a good time to join/ rejoin a faith community – we are relational beings!
  • Prayers for Mama Joye and Papa.  
  • Today is Thursday – not Tuesday
  • light is costly if it involves an additional dormer
  • Be careful out there – COVID is raging
  • Advice when looking at someone’s “name badge” sticker – don’t ask if her name is “Hablo?”
  • it appears to again be a race for 2nd as only 1 of the Pax has posted all 3 times