Pickleball Spritz

Event Date

May 27, 2023


2 emerged from the gloom with busy weekend plans in mind. Body needed some good energy burning to start the weekend off right. YHC’s been meaning to merge in some pickleball learnin’ and trainin’ for a couple months, but it seems like it has rained every time thru the rotation. Finally, mid 50’s and clear-ish skies. Just in time for YHC’s celebration of his 53rd turn around the sun. Here’s how it went down.

53 birthday SSH’s
Windmills, Grandma Maters, mountain climbers, merkins
go grab a block

1/2 mile mosey to the pickleball courts
A carries block
B carries paddles/balls/waterbottles
flip-flopping as needed

Pickleball 1 – short game
stand just outside the kitchen and practice little dinky 1-hop hits
working together to keep the volley going
Dual court Pickleball: play on both courts at the same time, leading the other person laterally (in theory), trying to miss the light pole in the middle, hitting the light pole regardless (lol), back and forth about 20 times…super fun, great cardio
block curls, low country crabs, block presses, merkins
switch sides of the court

Pickleball 2 – long game
stand more towards the backline and whack away
work together for long volleys
Dual court Pickleball
4-corners: WWI’s, run to corner, squats, run, WWI’s, run, squats

Pickleball 3 – whack it around
little more aggressive
Dual court Pickleball

run back to AO

reflection – Proverbs 4: 3-5
When I was a son with my father, tender, the only one in the sight of my mother,
he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments, and live.
Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.”

  • picked this out with graduation speeches in mind
  • get wisdom, get insight….be a lifetime learner

* lots of graduation planning on our minds
* busy day meant no pre-workout workout this week; probably some swimming and biking next Sat
* t-claps to Bog for signing up for the 7am slot on the courts; good fun to mix it up there
* t-claps to both birthday boys, each of us giving a new age when sounding off

Quite an honor to lead