
Event Date

Apr 21, 2022


The ongoing kiddo's Spring Break madness continues to affect PAX #'s across the area… Thankfully 2 of the best PAXers joined in on Thursday morning's best start to the day smack-down… Missed those that smacked-down elsewhere…


  • SSH – 25 IC
  • Grandma Maters – 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – 10 IC
  • Windmills – 10 IC

The Thang:

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatches: Right – 20 IC
  • Glute Bridge Pulse – 20 IC
  • Commi-Biatches: Left – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Right – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Left – 20 IC

LBH Mosey, assume the Quadraphilia position @ the parking lot entrance…

  • LBH Quadraphilia, repeato…
  • LBH Quadraphilia, repeato…
  • LBH Quadraphilia, find a happy spot…
  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatches: Right – 20 IC
  • Glute Bridge Pulse – 20 IC
  • Commi-Biatches: Left – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Right – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Left – 20 IC

LBH Mosey, assume the Sprint position @ the parking lot entrance…

  • LBH Sprint, repeato…
  • LBH Sprint, repeato…
  • LBH Sprint, find a happy spot…
  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO
  • Commi-Biatches: Right – 20 IC
  • Glute Bridge Pulse – 20 IC
  • Commi-Biatches: Left – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Right – 20 IC
  • Fire Hydrants: Left – 20 IC

LBH Mosey, assume the Lunge position @ the parking lot entrance…

  • LBH Lunge, Mosey to circle up in the parking lot…


Sprinkled throughout…


3 to 4 sets of 30 to 50 Merkins every 2 to 3 days…


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed…

Isaiah 53:5 NIV: https://isaiah.bible/isaiah-53-5

Not to be taken lightly…

Dandelion's Birthday:

June 18th


  • Poor MaTOR has ongoing back sensitivity… Poor guy… May he heal up very, very, very, very soon…
  • Dandelion had a sore shoulder… No blocks or upper body or back playground today… They are still talking about it…
  • Strudel's clan hits DollyWood in search of Hello Dolly's… I hope he finds them…
  • Little Baby Shirley & Crabby McPatty played & performed well as usual… Such gentlemen…

For Love Of The PAX,
