Pinch HIIT

Event Date

Oct 05, 2020

Upon checking the Arnie's Army October Q schedule on Sunday, YHC realized that nobody was signed up to lead this week.  I tried to solicit a Q on the Goatbusters Twitter channel, and Auto stepped up.  Unfortuntately, Auto woke up this morning with a tweaked back, and while he was able to gut out an EZ paced 3 mile Standard, he had to pass Q duties back to YHC and head home to rest up.

I had already been doing some Q planning on Sunday before Auto volunteered his services, so we would be fine.  Auto and I rolled in from the Standard to find Perrier and Tagless ready to go.  After a quick chat, we bid Auto adeiu at 0530 and moseyed around the parking lot to the usual warmup spot.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC


Grab a block from the block pile and return to parking lot for block tabata.  Each round = 4 exercises, 30 sec each AMRAP with 10 sec break between, repeat same 4 exercises, then take a lap around parking lot.

Round 1

  • Block Curls
  • Block Overhead Press
  • Block Squats
  • WWII Situps

Round 2

  • Block Skullcrushers
  • Block Lawnmowers
  • Block Squat-to-Press
  • LBCs

Round 3

  • Block Bent-over Rows
  • Block Dips
  • Block Upright Rows
  • Jane Fonda

Round 4

  • Block Curls
  • Block Skullcrushers (Tagless call)
  • Block Chest Press (Perrier call)
  • Low Flutter

Replace blocks.  Back to parking lot for quick Mary:

  • Low Dolly x 15 IC (Tagless)
  • Mason Twist x 10 IC (Perrier)
  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC (YHC)
  • Fire Hydrant x 10 each leg (Tagless)

Recover, recover.


  • Great temps and great company this morning.  Thanks to Perrier and Tagless for being reliable Arnie's regulars.  Tabata format got me out of calling cadence, so we were able to chat throughout the workout.
  • Variety of topics covered over the course of the morning, including Tagless' remarkable Hokies who continue to win with 25% of the team in quarantine, the Grand Canyon (where Perrier and YHC will be in less than 2 weeks), and 2.0 schools.
  • Thanks to Auto for gutting out the Standard at less than 100%.  Hope he got some good rest afterwards.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  Forever grateful.
