Ping Pong with Rocks

Not on the pax list above but worked as hard as anyone this AM – Scar.  Always an honor to get some work in by Scar's side.

A decisive group of men emerged from the darkness to follow an indecisive Q (YHC, The Force) this morning.  The gloom was dark, sticky and just darn nasty.  Hard to breathe.  So let's get moving!


WARMORAMA: Mosey around the park, then around the tree and trafic circle at the clubhouse for some high knees and butt-kickers.  DISCLAIMER.  SSHs x 15, ISTs x 15, Cotton Pickers x15, Mtn Climbers x 15, Merkins x 15.

At the park, count off in 3s:  1s = 10 pull ups.  2s = 25 dips.  3s = 10 burpees.  Rotate through all 3.

Mosey down Hugh Torrence Parkway.  Stop at the first Rock Pile by tennis courts, pick a rock, leave it where you can find it again, then Mosey on.  At the bottom (4 way stop), turn and quadrophelia up the hill.

Stop at the upper Rock Pile (aka "The Weight Room").  High Curls, Low Curls, Full Curls all x 10.

Mosey back down Hugh Torrence Parkway (and the "Ping Pong" has begun).  At the bottom, turn and quadrophelia up the hill until you are reunited with your original rock again.  Squats, Dead Lifts, Squats all x 10.

Back up to the Weight Room.  Skull Crushers x 20, Alternating Shoulder Press x 10.

Back down to the smaller weight room.  While holding rock at 90 degree angle, curb hoppers x 10.  Side Lunge Dead Lift kind of thang x 10.

Back up to the Weight Room.  Bent Over Rows x 10.  Repeato.  Put your weights away.

Back to the smaller Weight Room.  Curb Kickers (Rocky Balboa's, Muhammed Ali's, etc) with rocks x 10.  Return your weights.

Mosey behind the tennis courts and onto the basketball court, where Mary with a Rope (MWAR) awaits.  YHC had 12 Mary exercises for the pax to do while we rotated through one at a time working the ropes.  Following the speedy calls of the 12 Mary exercises, YHC called on BEP, Hallelujah and BEP for additional Mary exercises, and all stepped up to lead on demand.

Recover, Recover.

The Moleskine:

Prayers to Toxic and family as they celebrate the life of his mother who passed yesterday.  There are no words for those who lose a loved one, and I cannot begin to grasp the thought of losing a parent one day.  In leui of words (rare for me) I can confidently offer the prayers and support of F3 Nation.  

BEP and Hippie also have loved ones battling cancer.  They too have our complete support and prayers.

16 in the gloom this morning, but without Toxic, 9-Lives, Jorel, Kumquat, Calypso and others who live walking distance from the Wilderness and run their mouths as much as their feet the mumblechatter was almost non-existent from start to finish.  Not calling anyone out, though.

MWAR went fast and furious as we were short on time.  We got in 15 exercises for Mary with little to no rest in between.  Cobains for rushing you through it, but your fitness and your 6-packs as we enter football season are important to me.

Always and honor and a pleasure to lead any number of men through an F3 workout, and today was no exception.  My mind, body and spirit are stronger for it – hope you can all say the same.  Aye.