Pink Floyd, The Commodores, and Ben Folds Five Approve This Workout

22 pax, including one FNG — Eric Billings (sp?), now Flipper (see Moleskin) — turned out at 131 Main for some brickwork at #Fission.

After 4 pax (Mayhem, Moses, Waffle House, and Beetlejuice) ran into the AO, and Hat Trick made his signature arrival at 5:29.59, we did the following:


Mosey lap around the parking lot, returning to far end.  Circle up.  Disclaimer.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IX
  • Windmills x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Arm Circles (fwd) x 15 IC
  • Overhead Claps x 15 IC


Mosey to YHC's car.  Hatch opened to reveal….concrete bricks.  Each pax instructed to grab 2. Circle back up.

  • Brick Mericans x 20 IC
  • Brick Squat Thrusters x 20 IC
  • Brick Skullcrushers x 20 IC
  • Brick WWII Situps x 20

Bricks down, mosey lap around the parking lot, returning to same spot.  Repeato above exercises, reducing reps to 15 on each.

Bricks down, form lines of 3 pax each, starting at one side of parking lot and facing other side. Commence bear crawl indian "run" to other side of lot, with pax in back of line crawling to front. When all pax reach other side of lot, commence bear crawl indian "run" back to original side of lot.

Return to bricks when done.  Al Gore with bricks while waiting for six.

Mosey off the AO with bricks to large open field.  Circle up.

  • Brick CDDs x 20 IC
  • Brick Sacrifices x 20 IC (while holding bricks at shoulder height, go down on one knee, then the other, then stand back up one leg at a time)
  • Brick Arm Circles (fwd) x 10 IC and keep arms out for….
  • Brick Overhead Claps x 10 IC (ouch!)
  • Brick Mason Twists x 20 IC

Bricks down, mosey lap around 1/2 of field, returning to same spot.  Repeato above exercises, reducing reps to 15 on each (5 on Arm Circles and Overhead Claps).

Mosey back to AO with bricks.

  • Brick Curb Derkins x 15 IC
  • Brick Apolo Ohnos x 20 IC
  • Brick Chest Press w/ Low Flutter x 20 IC

Return bricks to YHC's car.  Circle up for MARY.

  • Homer to Marge x 3
  • Rosalita x 20 IC
  • Homer to Marge
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • Peter Parker x 20 IC
  • Parker Peter x 20 IC
  • Elbow Plank 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Excellent work by all pax. Thought I heard some complaints, which I always take to be a good sign. Hope everyone enjoyed it.
  • Welcome FNG Eric Billings, a P.I. like Ace Ventura, hence "Flipper". For a hot minute, "Cement Shoes" was the name. Someone will have to explain that one to YHC – I missed the connection. I like to think the pax were still thinking about the pain YHC had tried to deliver with the concrete bricks. Get yourself signed up on, Flipper, and hope to see you out there again soon.
  • YHC struggled on a few sets, including overhead claps and mericans. I believe it might have been Waffle House who asked whether YHC was planning to "go down all the way this time" on the second set of brick mericans. Cobains. Too much running lately = soccer arms for YHC.
  • Original plan for the bear crawl indian "run" was to crawl bear back to the original side of the lot. YHC audibled on that one after pax seemed to bail on the bear crawl about 3/4 way thru the lot. Guessing crawl bear would've been a real crowd pleaser. #mutiny
  • Thanks as always to the Birkdale clown car crew – Eeyore, Dry Rub, Tiramisu, Big Rock, Bouncey House, Magnus – for showing up with numbers and then sticking around for coffeeteria. Thanks as well to my BRR (Outlaw, Mayhem, The Geek) and P200 (Moses) teammates for the support. YHC hopes to return the favor soon.
  • Thanks to Hippie for the opportunity to lead this morning, and to Eeyore and Auto for the EH 9 months ago. I look forward to this every day, and can't thank you enough.

Edited to add: Shortly after posting this BB, I saw the Gnarliest of Goats patrolling the Uptown in his Chief's cruiser (waist up….could not confirm number of cotton layers). Awesome seeing you twice today, brother!

