Plan B

Event Date

Jan 25, 2023

FNG -1 is Falcon

0510 YHC wakes up and looks at the “Weather” Channel app which reads, “rain beginning at 6:30”  NOT 5:30.  3 Brave Pax arrive at the Meatlocker to see what was in store.

A Circuit was planned to tour the campus.  We would start at the playground and do pullups and dips.  Next we would venture to the front of the church and bear crawl up the steps on the way Next would be lunges and squats in front of the church. Next we would head back down to the bottom of the parking lot and do LBCs and Flutter kicks. Then we would grab some blocks and do curls and skull crusher. Finally, head to the top of the parking lot and do mountain climbers and merkins to complete the circuit, but……..

It started raining, so we ran to the shelter and began to warm up.


  • BBBroga
  • SSH 25 IC
  • Wind Mills 10 IC
  • Toy soldiers 10 IC


Circuit was:

  • 15 lunges each leg and 15 squats in corner 1
  • 15 incline merkins and dips in corner 2
  • crab walk to corner 3
  • 15 stepups each leg and 15 derkins in corner 3
  • 15 curls and 15 skull crushers in corner 4
  • Bear crawl to corner 1
  • repeated 4 more times
  • wall sit and wait on the 6
  • the 6 then wanted to wall sit

Blocks up


  • LBCs 15 IC
  • Pretzel Crunches 15 IC each leg
  • low flutters 15 IC
  • Recover, Recover


Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother and sister is still in the darkness.  Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness.  They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.  1 John 2 9-11


Mater and I discussed how he will be thanking me during tomorrow’s run

Falcon crushed this one.  He wanted to do the wall sit at the end and not miss out on the fun.

Mater felt like we did more leg than arm but I feel it was equal work.

Falcon claims there is just as much work going on at Metrolina Greenhouses in the winter as there is in the summer.

We missed our other regulars Dirt and Crabby.  Hope to see you out soon.  We missed those that worked out elsewhere or just fartsacked.

Thanks for letting me lead.  It was an honor.  Be the light.

God Bless
