Planes, Trucks, and Butt cracks

Event Date

Jan 04, 2025

When Clark asked who would like to step up and lead Mustang, YHC decided that it was time to lead. With no clue what we should do, other than making sure we got in our LBCs, a crowd favorite at the Meatlocker came to mind.  6 brave PAX braved the frigid conditions but realized quickly they were no longer cold.  Here is how it went……


  • SSH – 30+ IC until all PAX did at least 1 (because some were late)
  • Windmills 10 IC (to stretch out Sonars hips after so many SSHs)
  • Some did Grandma Mators others did Cotton Pickers 10 IC
  • Goofballs 10 IC
  • Grady Corns (Still noone knows the history of Grady Corns)
  • lap
  • Grab waters and head to NEW tennis court


This is a circuit ladder – 1 exercise at each corner working from 1 rep first circuit to 10 on tenth circuit

  • Bear Crawl to 1st corner – “Mericans” 
  • carioca to 2nd corner – Squats
  • Carioca to 3rd corner – burpees
  • quadriphillia to 4th corner – LBCs

All PAX completed – nice work!

1 lap mosey


  • 66 LBCs IC – Today’s challenge done


Peter replies, ” Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, And you will receive the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38


Didn’t hear all of it but here is some:

Sonar and others still don’t know where Grady Corn came from, here ya go:

In memory of Grady Pitstick, aka “Quikrete”, who passed away a year ago. He was only 30 years old, and the son of another member of the Knoxville PAX, Brian Pitstick, aka “Sparkler”. “Grady Corn” is a a combination of Grady’s name and “Candy Corn”, which was an exercise Grady brought to us that became his trademark. It is a shoulder warm up that can become a full-on exercise with enough reps. Here is its description: Four-count exercise that begins in a standing position with your arms together, straight out in front of you. Swing your arms back to a “T” formation, then over your head to form a triangle, then back down to a “T”, and then back to the starting position. 25 reps makes for a good shoulder warm up. At 50 reps the mumblechatter starts to dwindle. Groans of pain begin at about rep 75, which should be taken by the Q as encouragement to keep going to 100.

Bertha was discussing with group the fear he had on the small planes he has been on in which he thought the engine cut off.

Cheese is working on his 5k and 10k speedwork while and making great progress

C# loves my Q no matter what I bring

Clark was found a body warmer that sticks to your shirt to go along with the hand and feet warmers

Sonar saw a truck identical to his recently around town when I asked him if the truck beside the tennis court was his.

With all the bear crawling and burpees my plumbers crack was the show, evidently.

There was plenty more where that came from but you must show to know what all is said.


Thank you for allowing me to lead today brothers.  It was a pleasure

God Bless,

