Planking Problems, There is workout for that

A ragtag group met at the foundain full of expection to find out what life would be like at Hollywood post ramps.  We did not venture far but we still covered a good distance.  

Warm Up

Mosey with But Kickers and Carioca.  Circle up, disclaimers, Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Storm Trooper, Windmill, Toy Soldier, Arm circle big and small front and back

Into the Thang

Suicides in the parking lot with 20 merkins at the 3 islands, Suicides in the parking lot with 20 squats at the 3 islands, Suicides in the parking lot with 20 carolina dry docks at the 3 islands, Suicides in the parking lot with 20 WWII at the 3 islands

Grab some wall and burn out 15 praying mantis in cadence, more wall for peoples chair with touch them toes, then balls to the wall, repeat all 3 but this time peoples chair with air press.  

Mosey to the fountain and partner up.  Partner one did decline merkins while partner two ran a long lape and swap.  then we shortened the lap, partner 1 did dips while 2 ran and swap.  Repeato with Incline merkins.  Repeato with burpies until the partners completed a total of 50.  Lastly, finish with a plank which took men of a certain age a long time to get into position.


Admitteldy there was a lot of improv so some of the above infomration may not all be factual as it became a bit foggy but the gidst is correct.  The pax was told to plank once they completed the exercies but for some reason many had trouble with this including the two bobbsey twins who were repeat offenders.  Picture included of The Count and Blackbeard which was actually taken while they should have been planking.  Also a new acronym was created: SPP (smartest partner pick) which went to Snake Eyers for picking Turncoat as TC ran so fast Snake Eyes only did about 6 merkins, 4 dips, and 2 burpies!  Thanks for a great time today gents and to Deepdish for the change to lead at a great AO.  I will be Qing at Foundry next Friday if you need some additional work with your planking problems.