Play that funky music white boy

As we gathered – Scrappy informed YHC that he has never been to MMM before – hard to believe, but great to be there on his maiden voyage.  He was kind enough to bring his speaker and took requests throughout the workout.  Antics like that will mean he's sure to be invited back.

Warm-o-rama: take a lap around the parking lot track, grab your bells and circle up for – SSH, Windmills, Long Snapper, Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog'ish stretchy stretch and Toy Soldiers.

THE THANG (went something like this – any resemblence to the actual events is likely a coincidence)

Squats x 12 IC, Curls x 12 IC, Overhead Press x 12 IC, Skull Crusher x 12 IC – put them all together for 8-count Burners x 12 IC.

Take a lap

Lawn Mowers Each Side x 10IC, Upright Rows IC

Take your bell and line up on one side of the parking lot.

Bear crawl advancing your bell about 3/4 of the way across the lot,  Leave your bell – joggy jog back to the start, and then to your bell.  Line up on the opposite side of the lot – Lunge Walk with the bells to halfway – then Zamperini the rest of the way.  

Grab a partner.  Partner 1 farmer carries 2 bells starting counter clockwise around the track.  Partner 2 does 10 mericans and catches up to Partner 1.  Switch roles.  Repeato until you make it around the track.  

Repeato – going clockwise around the track in the same fashion.

Head to the scool entrance a grab a spot on the wall for People's Chair with Air Press.  Repeato with People's Chair and Touch Dem Heels.

Mobility moment brought to you by Gnarly Goat and Jazz Hands – pigeon included, Jazzy sound effects were not. 

With your partner and 1 bell – Buddy Curls 7-7-6-6-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 then Buddy Upright Rows – 7-7-6-6-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

Next up in a somewhat DORA  format: Partner 1 runs to and fro across the lot while Partner 2 does Curls AMRAP.  No need to count – Repeato until each partner does 2 runs and 2 exercise sets.  

Repeato with Upright Rows

Repeato with LBCs


Stretch it out, Dying Cockroach, Low Flutters

Recover, Recover

Bell Sweat Moleskine

– Good crew, good chatter, good music.  75% attendence at coffeteria

– During COT we lifted up Osh Kosh's friend as well as The Count and his family as they grieve the loss of The Count's dad Lee Robinson.  YHC read about a life well lived in Lee's obituary and shared some of the life lessons that the family had remebered.  Those included: 

Get an education, no one can ever take that away from you; If you find a shirt you like, buy it in

every color; Always let your parents know when you get home no matter how late; Gel

toothpaste is better than mint toothpaste; Be available to listen and not be judgmental; Offer

encouragement over criticism; Love your neighbors like Family.  


Always an honor and pleasure to be with you fine men.



