Play your cards right

Event Date

Dec 07, 2020


I offered a few weeks ago to Q berean for Big M and then couldnt oblidge.  Today was the day, weather called for rain and 41 so I prepared for us to be under the decks.  Great suprise when no rain this am.  Even better when Canuck and Bagboy rolled up and it wasn't for an OTB workout.  Anyway, we started a couple mintues late as we knew Eeyore was on his way. We ran a lap and warmed up, them warmed up more around a very large Christmas tree, it kinda made me feel like I needed to man up.  We then drew cards (that I had pre screeened) and we had 4 doing the exercises on their card while the 5th ran a lap, we then rotated.  First lap was two long so after round 1 we shortened the lap a bit.  We also found out there are many variations of merkins in the F3 card deck, possibly too many for one morning.  We wrapped up with some MARY and ordered our coffee and camped out in the glory that is Birkdale.  Conversation started around Broncos and Rangers and it was hard to change subjects….look out Sasquach Bronco, but the conversation had a very natural progression to the Jack Pine and the rare Kirtland Warbler as you would espect.  The point is we need to have faith in what is not seen, have our hope in what is not seen as having it in what is seen is not faith.  We read a devotion and Hebrews: 10 37-38 and Romans: 8 24-25. We discussed the progress we are making and how trying times and circumstances can give way to new opportunities and blessings.  Really enjoyed a good conversation with these fine gents and wish we had been abel to keep it going before the obligations of the day interupted.  We said a quick prayer and adjourned.