Playing In The Slop

Event Date

Jan 27, 2016

Warm up


15 x Air Squared (In a peoples chair position air claps (4 count) IC

Run around parking lot counter clockwise, backwards uphill #missedmyturn stopping at tennis court tables for 20x step ups OYO each leg

Mosey to blocks and for a circle with blocks

The Thang

1) 2 minutes drill sergeant – OYB, OYF, Merk, up, high knees, SSH, Butt kickers, block curls etc etc, etc etc

20 count run in place with block

Mosey up hill and down to catch breathe before next round


2) 2 minutes drill sergeant, 20 count run in place with block over head, Mosey up hill and down

3) 2 minutes drill sergeant, 20 15 IC skull crushers #fatigueincreasesdanger, Mosey up hill and down

4) 2 minutes drill sergeant, 20 IC high knees with blocks, Mosey up hill and down

5) 2 minutes drill sergeant, 20 IC butt kickers with blocks, Mosey up hill and down Challenge accepted to do 2 laps of quadraphilia on snow covered hill

Mosey back for Mary


20 10 x Low flutter IC #hackhack

20 x Low plank knee-ups IC

10 x Low dolly

Pax wants more

20 x IC mason twists



Reading Facebook I ran across an excerpt stating something along the lines of when Tim Tebow wore John 3:16 on his eye black during the 2009 National championship game, 92 Million people googled it. This would indicate that 92 Million were exposed to what is probably the most widely known bible verse. This was put on his heart to do this. 

This reminded me of a conversation my wife and I were having about my father over the weekend and the appreciation I feel for him being there and raising 3 children that were abandoned by their mother. My wife said this is something I need to tell my father as it was put on my heart. She’d told me stories about similar people popping into her head and her reaching out to them only to find that it was exactly what that person needed.

My point is that we shouldn’t feel ashamed, scared or boastful to say what is on our mind. If it is put on your heart then it is there for a purpose, to be shared.



  • Small PAX but big effort, I knew this was gonna suck to call drill sergeant while gasping for air

  • Snow covered hill was difficult to navigate but was a good chance to catch breath between rounds. The PAX notices that Kringle has found a clear path up the snow covered hill and plays follow the leader. Clark gives thanks to sledding.

  • It was a hot mess on the practice field and there was no shortage of on your back and face to make sure we were playing in the slop. Harkin back to parking lot torrential downpour workout Clark had led in the past.

  • Plenty of groans from side effects of Monday’s Murph across the PAX

  • I had a blast leading