Thanks to Honeysuckle Blue (and Ken):Important Moleskin Thoughts

Event Date

Dec 26, 2022

Welcome/Disclaimer/Warmarama (IC):

YHC and Honeysuckle Blue were fully present and accounted for today. Thanks to Honeysuckle Blue for posting to avoid YHC’s first possible sad clown event. After defrosting in the car, reality had set in so we didn’t waste any time. Here’s what went down.

Mosey a lap

-Side Straddle Hop x30 (60)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10

-Toy Soldier x20 (40)

-IST x20 (40)

On your 6 (IC):

-Knee tuck crunch x20 (40)

-Mountain climber x20 (40)

-lbc x20 (40)

-WWII’s x20 (40)

-low flutter x20 (40)

-Freddy Mercury x20 (40)

-heels to heaven/dot-the-i reverse lbc crunch x20 (40)

-‘Mericanators (5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide) (30)

Mosey a lap

On your 6 (IC):

-Pillow talk/side crunch x20 each side (80)

-pretzel crunch (alt sides) x20 (40)

-cocoon lbc x20 (40)

-Homer to Marge x10

-Suzanne Somers x20 (40)

-Snow Angel (a Toby favorite) x10 (20)

-Hollow Hold x5

-Recover, Recover



It was great posting with Honeysuckle Blue today. There is always power in showing up. YHC needed a partner in the gloom and was fortunate that it was him! Honeysuckle Blue agreed to some Coffeteria after our post. We were able to talk openly about our challenges and goals. He is a solid dude with a lot to offer the world as a HIM. I am better because of our conversation.

On another note, I hope each of us really reflected over the holiday about the many blessings we have. The things we’ve been through and overcame; the things we are currently going through that we can overcome; and the future things yet to happen for which we will again have to push through. Each of those experiences mold us into the men we choose to be and will become.

A few days before Christmas, I met a guy who I shared a bench with in a downtown area while I was traveling out of town with my family. I asked him his name (Ken). He told me that he was homeless and feeling kind of beaten up by life. We talked about faith, hope, and what’s next as far as our attitudes and actionable next steps.

Our experiences were not all that different (a few bad decisions, life circumstances, etc.), yet here we were with two different realities. I realized that the difference in us was that my poor decisions and life circumstances resulted in someone (different persons at divinely appointed times) who offered a hand to help lift me up-even when I may not have deserved it.

Ken never asked me for money. He told me that I was the first person to look him in the eyes and call him by his name the entire day. I learned that his goal was to get back home. We talked about how to make that happen, and I bought a bus ticket home for him (which didn’t leave until the next day). I prayed with him and then went on my way. The temperature that night was supposed to be really cold. Ken only had his sleeping bag and the clothes on his back. I wondered about him as I lay warm in my bed back home.

I’m not sharing this to pat myself on the back. You see, I needed Ken. He reminded me about the power of an invitation, the importance of being known, treating fellow humans with respect and dignity, and how we all have a longing for home-no matter our circumstances.

We don’t always get to choose our circumstances, but we always have control of our behavior and energy. I’m glad that God placed me on that bench with Ken and that I chose to get to know him. By the way, Ken had the same name as my father who passed away this year (I choose to think this wasn’t coincidental), and this is our first Christmas without him.

I had the opportunity to go through the LEADS program this year led by Jedi. I would highly recommend it to others about how to be more intentional. Here’s a good read about our energy levels which are a conscious choice:

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, etc.)