Plenty of Nose Candy at Fallout

A total of 12 pax made it out this cool crisp morning. More than I expected actually considering I grabbed a late Q. Nonetheless was happy to see the fellas!

Warmorama included a fellowship pace 400 meters around the track and a circle up for 20 SSH's, 15 ISPs and 10 slow wind mills. 

Grabbed some blocks and got to the thang:

10 air squats + 10 mericans x 5 rounds OYO

15 block swings + 15 shoulder presses + 5 mericans x 5 rounds OYO

Mosey to the fields……

100 yard lunge + mountain climber combo…..5 alternate leg lunges + 20 mountain climbers white line to white line 

100 yard run back to white line

15 yard bear crawl + 5 mericans x 3 rounds – OYO

5 Air squats + 10 alternate high knees  x 5 rounds  – OYO

100 yard run back to white line

Broad jump burpee + backwards high knees to white line x 10 rounds – OYO

40 LBCs in cadence 

100 yard run to the corner of the field

15 mericans in cadence + spring to other corner

15 air squats OYO + sprint to corner + 20 mountain climbers

Back to the blocks….5 full curls + 10 shoulder presses + 5 full curls 

On our 6….20 freddie mercuries + 15 mountain climbers

Block burpee with press as finisher for time

Recover – Recover

COT + Prayer (Please Keep Shammy's wife Kim and the family in prayer for her restored health) 

Great work by all the pax this morning…We appreciated the cool weather! Thanks for the OYO work, it allowed for a lot of productive chatter and some complaining (mostly by T-bone) 🙂 If anyone has 'DRIVENS' proper spelling, let me know. It was not coming up in the pax directory. Have a great week GENTLEMEN!!!!!! (for you snake eyes lol) 
