There were 45 pax at the 4th annual Polar Bear (not plunge).  YHC had a malfunction on the pax recording, and I missed about 3-4 names.  Sound off so I can give you credit.  Here are a couple others that aren't on the interwebs list: Cruise, PB&J, Anvil

Special thanks to our AO Captains: Moses (on IR, w/crutches) Outlaw, Special Sauce, Cheetah, Strutter, Turnpike, and Frogger (coffee and doughnuts, also on IR)

The forecast for today was cold and rainy, EXCEPT between 7am and 9am when the rain was supposed to stop. Hey, what can we say, we got in good with the Sky Q. Regardless of what the weather held for the pax, they all beat the battle with the fartsack and posted for their fellow F3ers.  The theme for the day was "Wide World of Sports," not the expected adventure race of years past, but we think the pax were not too disappointed.  Here's what went down.


WARMORAMA (Freedom & 9-Lives)

SSH, IST, Mericans, Slow-Deep Squats, Cotton Pickers, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, Burpees

Mosey to Soccer Fields, 4 lines leap frog through the parking lot



Mini Brickmas Tree (1 Merican, 5 Skull Crushers, 10 Squats, 15 Curls, 20 Overhead Presses, 25 Chest Presses, 30 LBCs)

Mosey to 90210 


90210 (Freedom)

Burpee Ladder (5 burpees at the top, 1 Carolina Dry/Wet Dock at the bottom…4/2, 3/3, 2/4, 1/5)

Mosey to Tennis Courts and Basketball Courts, split into 2 groups, half go one way, half go the other



Tennis Courts Suicides: 5 Mericans, 5 Squats, run to the first outline, run back, 10 Mericans, 10 Squats….all the way to the fence line

Basketball Courts break into 4 groups: As group is walking up, split into 4 groups…everyone pretty much figured it out without much help. 4 stations. Station 1 is the timer; rotate when they finish. —Station 1: BigManHeavyWalk 4 lengths of court with 100# anvil, 62# kettlebell and chain, heavy bag, 2-40# buckets of water, or big rock; remainder of group bear crawl/crawl bear…rotate as needed—Station 2: Tip Drill! 3 burpee penalty if the ball hits the ground…most people not named Outlaw followed the penalty…—Station 3: Block Colt 45’s…15 low curls, 15 high curls, 15 curls—Station 4: what basketball practice would be complete without…Suicides!!


PARKING LOT: Water/Banana/Oranges Break for 5 minutes, then ROXANNE (9-Lives)


BASEBALL FIELD…which turned out to be a random area on the disc golf course (Strutter)

Superman/Banana, Squats, Merican Timebomb, 1-Squat to 4-Step Lungewalk

Mosey to the greenway hill


CACKA LACKA CHOO CHOO (Freedom)…until the pax decided they had done enough (self-initiated recover)

Audible: 15 pull ups on the playground at the top of the hill

Mosey to the football field, whoops, Occupied by soccer already, mosey to the track


TRACK (Turnpike)

100-yard sprints, lunge walks, Quadriphilia, Karaoke, sprints, sprints, sprints, Low Flutter

Mosey up the stairs to the top lot for MARY


MARY (Moses)

Low Flutter, Homer to Marge, One Legged Low Dolly, Double Protractor

Mosey to the launch pad


RECOVER RECOVER (Freedom, Frogger, 9-Lives)

Shovel Flag Lager, Coffee, Doughnuts, Bananas, Oranges, Canopy, Polar Bear Beanies, War Stories