Political Trivia at Snake Hill

6 men followed me via an Indian Run with no disclaimer only to find Snake Hill and a pop quiz on politics and all things judicial.  
(1) Yoga, Disclaimer
(2) Windmill
(3) Arm stretching
(4) SSH
(B) Strength Training
(1) Pull Ups – 5 each Partner
(2) Merkins – 10 flapjack
(C) Interval Training
Indian-Run to St. Marks Hill
2 Lines
(1) Alpha Team 
(2) Bravo Team 
Run to Snake Hill 
(D) Politics/Judicial Trivia Game
Q is going to do 10 questions
Alpha guesses the correct answer to force a hill run upon Bravo, while Alpha has only 10 easier ones (merkins).
If Alpha is wrong or no answer, Bravo gets to "steal"
A successful steal results in making Alpha do a hill run.
If Bravo gets it wrong too, then 10 burpees for both Alpha and Bravo and potentially a hill run for both if the PAX got a softball.
Those were the rules. We modified. Not many correct answers and we ran a lot of hill repeats.
10 rounds total
Judicial Trivia
  1. How many jurors must find a man guilty? 12
  2. Name all 9 current Supreme Court Justices: Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh, Roberts, Gorsuch, Kagan, Sotomeyer, Breyer
  1. How many Congressional Districts, House of Representatives = 13 
  2. Bonus: our House of Rep. = Adams
  3. How many US Senators from NC= 2 burpees, Thom Tillis and Richard Burr
More Q's
  1. How many NC House members = 120
  2. How many NC state senators are there in our state legislature? 50 members
  3. To override a governor veto in NC, you need 3/5 vote in both houses. House = 72 votes. Senate 30 votes.
  4. Who is our House Member = Bradford
  5. Who is our State Senator = Marcus
  6. Who is our Commissioner = Powell
  7. Who is running for Cornelius Town Board = Metallica
  8. Who is Todd Sansbury? ?No Answer.
CarpetBagger's team of AM/PM and Hot Wheels won pretty convincingly.  My team suffered with only 2 PAX and were at a slight disadvantage.  Both teams get an "E" for effort. 
Takeaway:  No one knew who their elected officals were.  
Caveat:  Before running for Judge, I had no idea who our elected officials were as well.  
And today, like my former self, no one knew who Todd Sansbury was either. Metallica's name is on the ballot for Cornelius Town Board.  Looks like the Gladiator PAX don't know you.  No more #OTB runs.  
So today we got woke on the political system and sought identification of leadership in all 3 branches. And Metallica's true identity has been revealed. #SadButTrue
After the Judicial Quiz
We ran back, stopped for Rocky Balboa. Went back to the pullup station for 20 pullups. Jorel, Die Hard and maybe Tagless? flew by on Fartlek and may have done 2 pullups amongst the trio. Or maybe they just teamed up to discuss why they shouldn't do pull ups? Good call. Either way, they were a flash in the Gladiator pan.
Speaking of which, Carpetbagger is golden. He's already planning a bourbon beatdown in December. Never underestimate the power of Hope. 
1. AM/PM made sure we were on task. But missed coffeeteria. He revealed the meaning behind his name.  He leads an AM Bible study and works in the PM.  AM/PM baby. 
2. Hot Wheels is a complete stud at 60. Respect.
3. HoneySuckle Blue ran into some cobwebs on the pullup bars. The Master Q was blamed for nonuse of the bars.  Nice workout HSB. 
4.  Carpetbagger is golden for reasons stated above. Love your optimism and enthusiasm for life.
5. Pavorotti wanted to break loose and start running. Sorry I may have held you back.
And remember….
Study up.
Note: Town Board/City Council Elections are coming.
Who is Todd Sansbury?
Show to Know.