Pollen Covered Tater Rolls

++ Overboard, STP, Superman

Upon arriving at the Green it was clear that summer has almost arrived to SweatShop with the temperature above 80 at launch…

Warmup – regular dynamic stretching stuff then off to DUMC for sand bags…

March to the pullup bars – It's never too early to practice for the North Meck Christmas Parade so while moving to the pullup bars YHC added in some curls, presses, and skullcrushers IC.

ACT 1 –  Sets of sandbag slams, burpees, and pullups increasing incrementally from one each to five each.  After a quick lap around the building we completed one more set of five.  Bags up to the field for…

ACT 2 – Tater Rolls!  Zamboni suggested Tater Rolls on Slack so YHC had to include them.  After Tater Rolls and a round of Mary (LBC, low flutter, H2H, hello Dolly) we collapsed the circle with bear crawls to the middle, mericans x 5 IC, crawl bear back to a full circle, and air presses x 10 IC. Repeat.  After another lap, bags up to the bottom of the hill for…

ACT 3 – 10 WWI situps, crawl bear while dragging sandbags to the top of the hill, run to tables for 20 alternating step ups, and toss bags back to the bottom of the hill.  Repeat for a total of 3 sets.  Bags up and back to storage at DUMC…

Finish with five burpees to welcome FNG Brian.

COT – Welcome FNG Brian!  The Coyote is May 18, 6-8 am.  Thankful prayers that Overboard's son was safe at UNCC and prayers for the rest of the injured and the school as a whole.

MS – The shootings at UNCC happened shortly before the workout began.  At that time, in addition to Overboard's news, official reports were that two were shot.  Behind Summit after the workout the PAX caught up on the news and learned the truth was much worse than the initial reports.  Two students had lost their lives with others in serious condition, all at the hands of a fellow student, while finishing the semester in a place they surely felt safe.  Two families will not be welcoming their sons home at the end of the UNCC semester.