
Eight dudes made it out on a Tuesday morning in the gloom to learn about recent advances in undergarment technology. They left feeling minty fresh.


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang

The Ricky Bobby 400

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

  • 20 Jump squats

  • 20 Mercans

  • 20 Freddie Mercuries

  • 20 Mountain climbers

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

Indian Run twice around the parking lot, with a sprint option for the last block length. We did this four times.


Sampler pack across the Pax

  • W-ups – Natty Lite

  • Dying cockroach – El Tigre

  • LBC – Twister

  • WWII sit-ups – Double Double

  • Mason twist – Arizona

  • Plant with shoulder taps – Slow Roll

  • Superman – FNG Alex

  • Box-cutter – Shaft


  • FNG was Alex who is in town from Gainesville. He works with Shaft’s wife. He does not like the cold climate of Charlotte in December. And he does not like burpees

  • Slow Roll responded by also offering that he also does not like burpees, but it may just have been peer pressure talking

  • Burpees/Squat-thrusts used to be the most popular solo exercise. It apparently has been replaced by the reacharound

  • Recap from the Mark Friday Memorial Tennis Tournament this past Saturday

    • Q tied for first place in his group and his keg of homebrew was the first to be finished from the 6 that were provided for the fundraiser event. What did you do this weekend?

    • Losing the title on a rock/paper/scissors tiebreaker was tough to swallow. I threw no paper in the best 2 outta 3 tiebreaker

    • Natty competition aggression from past F3 workouts may have shown up during the tourney. He hit three opponents with tennis balls (and one person twice) during his matches.

    • Crowning achievement of the tourney was serving an ace against Oktoberfest

    • My communicated tennis rating of 2.5 may not have accurately characterized my “ath-a-lete” status

    • Just wait for next year!

  • El Tigre made a return off of the DL. Rumors of his walking around like he had a load in his pants were greatly exaggerated

  • Say what you will about the Ricky Bobby, but that can really get ones heart rate up

  • Should we do a 5th set? How about no

  • Superman was a strong call for first timer FNG Alex

  • Prayers for Pinky whose Mom passed away on Saturday in Iowa.She was a wonderful and faithful woman.

  • Ricky Bobby workout was in tribute to Pinky who got initially got the Q mixed up on all these F3 fun and games. Love you brother!

  • Twister Christmas party will be held on Friday night December 14th. Wives/girlfriends are invited (select one), but please keep the kiddos at home. More info to follow

  • It’s an honor and a privilege