Pools of sweat

Event Date

May 15, 2017

8 of us got stronger and sweat like pigs at Da Sword on Monday!  Here's what we, including an FNG, did to make ourselves better! FNG – 1 = Jake Tick 24


  • SSH
  • Spider Lunge with Downward Dog

Run to Woods – Monkey Bars x 1, Australian Pull-ups x 20, Zamperini to car

To cars with blocks – Zamperini

Partners (size doesn't matter)

  • Partner 1: run around entire lot do 5 hanging chin ups slowly.
  • Partner 2: Blockees
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato
  • Partner 1: run around lot
  • Partner 2: KB swings with blocks
  • Flapjack
  • repeato
  • Blocks – lat pull overs with CB

Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 rest)

  • Lunge switches
  • Plyo-Mericans
  • Mountain Climbers
  • CDD
  • Toe touches 
  • Hold low Military Merican
  • Repeato x3

CB Curls IC – low x 10IC, high x 10ic and full x 10ic

Partner 1 run around entire lot, Partenr 2 blockees. Flapjack

Zamperini back to woods and back to cars

Sprints x2

Recover Recover


  1. Great workout by all today. A smaller more intimate crowd. Good news about smaller is that everyone feels a bit more accountable for what they are doing! #alleyesonyou
  2. FNG pulled in at 0530. YHC waited to see who it was before bailing for Warmorama.  At 24 years old, he would have caught up with us anyway. And then he busts out his Tough Mudder shirt so YHC felt no issues with going hard for this workout. Us old guys, 20 years older for most of us, well we had to prove us old guys can still hold our own.
  3. bunyan wasn't going to let FNG beat him in running around the lot….and he didn't! Strong running as usual!
  4. BamBam was typical BamBam – a bad ass! YHC held him off from passing me but I also had a 25 yard head start…okay, maybe 50. By the time we got to our 4th time around the lot, well BamBam passed my ass!  #typical
  5. overbudget was strong as usual even with a bummed knee and all. Oh, and he took the Q for next Monday!
  6. Iron City and Flo also part of the clown car, were strong, perserverent and determined to dominate this circuit today, and they did!!  
  7. Bunyan won biggest puddle of sweat today!
  8. Tabata's are just the best! Intervals like this are proven to shed pounds and build muscle. The music helped us get through this 10 minutes of non stop pain. Lots of BS calls!
  9. And of course there's Caboose. Dude continues to be a beast, Thanks for letting me lead this great group of men!

ditka Out