Possum Brings the Trivia

Event Date

Feb 19, 2024

6 Pax joined me at MMM for a kettlebell workout to kick of their week. Here is what went down:

Bring kettlebells down to far end of the parking lot for set 1 of the following:
Goblet Squats
Shoulder press
Lawnmower Right
Lawnmower Left
KB Swings
Chest Press
American Hammer

Mosey over to the school for People’s Chair, Air Press, Touch them heels, left leg calf raise, right leg calf raise, regular calf raise, praying mantis. 

During People’s Chair YHC mentioned we had a quiet crowd this morning and then Possum volunteered several trivia questions(well really he just stated facts) that got the mumblechatter going. We learned about Kangaroo’s and Praying Mantis and you will have to check with him on the 3rd fact as this probably isnt the place to get into the details.

Repeato the KB work above, repeato the wall work above, then repeato KB work 1 final time.

Mosey back to the cars for Mary which included:
Pretzel crunch, low flutter, dying cockroach, LBCs, WW2s, some sort of merkin time bombs, and a mobility moment to end.

Recover, recover

Appreciate the pax joining me this morning, especially our banker friends who get more holidays than I can count. Polar Bear is March 9th at 6:30 in the Huntersville Business Park. Christina Latini 8K the following weekend March 16th. Prayers for Riverboat and his family, Crab Legs and his M, and all unspoken requests. Thanks to Oyster for taking us out and Greyhound for the keys this morning.