Possum King of the Dad Jokes

Event Date

Jun 27, 2023


5 Pax joined me at Viking this morning for a full body beatdown. YHC ran a standard and all Pax were timely and ready to go at 5:30 sharp. It went like this:

Mosey to upper parking lot
SSH x20(40IC), IST x10(20IC), Toy Soldier x10(20IC), Carrot Pullers x10(20IC), Slow Windmill x10(20IC).

The Thang:
Mosey to the concession stand for Peoples Chair, Air Press x15(30IC), Touch them heals x15(30IC)
Mosey to picnic tables for Incline Merkin x15(30IC), Dips x15(30IC), Decline Merkins x15(IC), 15 step ups each leg OYO

Mosey through the park to the rock pile for:
Curls x10(20IC), Overhead Press x10(20IC), Bent over row x10(20IC), Skullcrushers x10(20IC)

Here is where Possum graced us with a dad joke that probably should not be repeated to any Ms

Mosey to the lower pavillion for Peoples Chair, Air Press x15(30IC), Touch them heals x15(30IC)
Mosey to picnic tables for Incline Merkin x10(20IC), Dips x10(20IC), Decline Merkins x10(20IC), 15 step ups each leg OYO

Mosey to track for 2 rounds of 4 corners. 4 corners consisted of Merkins x10(20IC), LBCs x10(20IC), Squats x10(20IC), 10 WW2s OYO. During the second round of 4 corners JBs internal clock was going crazy and he thought we had hit the 45 minutes. YHC had us covered though. 

Mosey back to rock pile for curls and more skullcrushers (just to work Hippies Triceps a little more). Mosey back to start for pretzel crunch.

Recover recover.

It was a great morning to be joined by my fellow pax. Thanks to the storm last night we enjoyed a short break from the humidity. Great mumblechatter as usual and happy to see Iceberg continue his hot streak of Viking posts. Thanks to all for joining me and thanks to Canuck for taking us out.