Post-Derby Horseshoe was a Runaway

16 gathered for the May running of The Horseshoe at the hallowed PAINinsula track.  Post- Kentucky Derby, we had fairly dry conditions save for a few wetspots from the residential sprinklers, so no advantage for the Mudders this morning.  Unlike the much talked about and maligned Mini-Me Q last month, this Horseshoe took a much more traditional approach.  Here's what we did:


Mosey to parking lot near new road.  Exercises in cadence:

SSH x 15

Cotton Picker x 10

Mountain Climber x 10

Peter Parker x 10

The Horseshoe:

Each lap is .27 miles.  Each lap you do an exercise at the end and you add the previous lap’s exercise to the next lap until we get to the 6th lap (after you do all 5 exercises).  With the start of the 6th lap, reverse ladder begins and you drop the 1st exercise and continue until you get to 1 exercise.  10 laps total if you finish.


  • 10 x Spider Mericans
  • 20 x Side Squats
  • 30 x Tricep Dips
  • 40 x LBC
  • 50 x Flutter Kicks (single count)

When finished, grab a rock and start doing rock-based exercises.  Curls, rows, chest press, skull crushers, etc.

End 6:15 and return for THE BURPEE and COT.


  • Swing State was a little tentative at the start of his first Horseshoe, but settled in quickly, crushed it, and picked up the 6.  And he took us out today.  Nice work!!
  • Beetlejuice, Landline, and 8-Track were also out front all morning.  Looking strong and got in some solid rock work before time was up; Beefcake got there just as we needed to head back and said "Leave me a rock"  — Love his work ethic!
  • Larry and Curly have become PAINinsula regulars — keep up the good work!
  • Great to see a lot of faces at the Horseshoe I don't normally see.  8-Track, Flipper, The Worm, Billy Bob, Moby Dick, Sudz — good to see you guys out today and pushing yourselves
  • T-Claps to the Respect Crew — Outlaw, Oyster, Jersey Boy – Hope I'm as fit as you guys in 10 years.
  • Had a few announcements: notably Daddy/Daughter Date Night, the Coyote, and the Bear.  Also, get signed up for Dad's camp if you haven't yet.  It will be one to remember!
  • The Horseshoe is never fun but always rewarding.  Great to push yourself and see improvement month to month.  This time last year I was laid up with bad knees, so any day out there is a good day now!

See you out there — Waffle House