Post Labor Day Recovery

Event Date

Sep 07, 2021


Three of MILF3’s tightest made it out to Cobalt to loosen up a little and release any remaining toxins that may have built up over the long weekend. It found the mark


  • All precincts reporting today indicated that it was a very strong shift over the holiday weekend

  • Iowans party hard. Iowans that are friends from high school even more so

  • Q does not have any level of instructor certifications, but he can sure mimic/parrot back any workouts he sees

  • As predicted during the Labor Day murph, detox Monday was definitely in order. No Testival for you!

  • Definitely feeling some Monday Murph impacts on a Tuesday

  • Happy to hear Double Double both made it across the Canada border to drop his son off at college as well as making it back across the border

  • Namaste bitchachos!